Miglior Film

Emilio Zola-THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA (Warner Bros)
Hal Wallis – Producer, Henry Blanke – Producer
L’orribile verità-THE AWFUL TRUTH (Columbia) -Leo McCarey – Producer, Everett Riskin – Producer
Capitani coraggiosi-CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS (Mgm) - Louis D. Lighton – Producer
Strada sbarrata-DEAD END (Goldwyn-United Artists) - Samuel Goldwyn – Producer , Merritt Hulbert – Producer
La buona terra-THE GOOD EARTH (Mgm) - Irving Thalberg – Producer, Albert Lewin – Producer
L’incendio di Chicago-IN OLD CHICAGO (20th Century Fox) - Darryl F. Zanuck – Producer, Kenneth MacGowan – Producer
Orizzonti perduti-LOST HORIZON (Columbia) - Frank Capra – Producer
Cento uomini e una ragazza-ONE HUNDRED MEN AND A GIRL (Universal) - Charles R. Rogers – Producer, Joe Pasternak – Producer
Palcoscenico-STAGE DOOR (Rko) - Pandro S. Berman – Producer
E’ Nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN (Selznick-United Artists) - David O. Selznick – Producer
Miglior regia

Leo McCarey
L’orribile verità-THE AWFUL TRUTH
William Dieterle - Emilio Zola-THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA
Sidney Franklin - La buona terra-THE GOOD EARTH
Gregory La Cava - Palcoscenico-STAGE DOOR
William A. Wellman -- E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Miglior attore
Spencer Tracy
Capitani coraggiosi-CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS
Charles Boyer - Maria Walewska-CONQUEST
Fredric March - E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Robert Montgomery - Notturno tragico-NIGHT MUST FALL
Paul Muni - Emilio Zola-THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA
Miglior attrice

Luise Rainer
La buona terra-THE GOOD EARTH
Irene Dunne - L’orribile verità-THE AWFUL TRUTH
Greta Garbo - Margherita Gauthier-CAMILLE
Janet Gaynor - E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Barbara Stanwyck - Amore sublime-STELLA DALLAS
Miglior attore non protagonista
Joseph Schildkraut
Ralph Bellamy - L’orribile verità-THE AWFUL TRUTH
Thomas Mitchell - Uragano-THE HURRICANE
H.B. Warner - Orizzonti perduti-LOST HORIZON
Roland Young - La via dell’impossibile-TOPPER
Miglior attrice non protagonista
Alice Brady
L’incendio di Chicago-IN OLD CHICAGO
Andrea Leeds - Palcoscenico-STAGE DOOR
Anne Shirley - Amore sublime-STELLA DALLAS
Claire Trevor - Strada sbarrata-DEAD END
Dame May Whitty - Notturno tragico-NIGHT MUST FALL
Miglior sceneggiatura
William A. Wellman, Robert Carson
E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Robert Lord - Legione nera-BLACK LEGION
Niven Busch - L’incendio di Chicago-IN OLD CHICAGO
Heinz Herald, Geza Herczeg - Emilio Zola-THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA
Hans Kraly - Cento uomini e una ragazza-ONE HUNDRED MEN AND A GIRL
Miglior sceneggiatura non originale
Heinz Herald, Geza Herczeg, Norman Reilly Raine
Vina Del mar - L’orribile verità-THE AWFUL TRUTH
Marc Connolly, John Lee Mahin, Dale Van Every - Capitani coraggiosi-CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS
Morrie Ryskind, Anthony Veiller - Palcoscenico-STAGE DOOR
Alan Campbell, Robert Carson, Dorothy Parker - E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Miglior scenografia e arredamento
Stephen Goosson - Art Direction
Orizzonti perduti-LOST HORIZON
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, William Horning - Art Direction Maria Walewska-CONQUEST
Carroll Clark - Art Direction Una magnifica avventura-A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS
Richard Day - Art Direction Strada sbarrata-DEAD END
Wiard Ihnen - Art Direction EVERY DAY'S A HOLIDAY
Anton Grot - Art Direction Emilio Zola-THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA
John Victor Mackay - Art Direction MANHATTAN MERRY-GO-ROUND
Lyle Wheeler - Art Direction Il prigioniero di Zenda-THE PRISONER OF ZENDA
Hans Dreier - Art Direction, Roland Anderson - Art Direction Anime sul mare-SOULS AT SEA
Alexander Toluboff - Art Direction Modella di lusso-VOGUES
William S. Darling - Art Direction, David Hall - Art Direction Alle frontiere dell’India-WEE WILLIE WINKIE
Jack Otterson - Art Direction Parata notturna-YOU'RE A SWEETHEART
Miglior fotografia
Karl Freund
La buona terra-THE GOOD EARTH
Gregg Toland - Strada sbarrata-DEAD END
Joseph Valentine - Ali nelle bufera-WINGS OVER HONOLULU
Miglior montaggio
Gene Havlick, Gene Milford
Orizzonti perduti-LOST HORIZON
Al Clark - L’orribile verità-THE AWFUL TRUTH
Elmo Vernon - Capitani coraggiosi-CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS
Basil Wrangell - La buona terra-THE GOOD EARTH
Bernard W. Burton - Cento uomini e una ragazza-ONE HUNDRED MEN AND A GIRL
Miglior colonna sonora
Charles Previn - Departmental Head (Universal Studio Music Department)
Cento uomini e una ragazza-ONE HUNDRED MEN AND A GIRL
Alfred Newman - Departmental Head (Samuel Goldwyn Studio Music Department), Alfred Newman – Score Uragano-THE HURRICANE
Louis Silvers - Departmental Head (20th Century-Fox Studio Music Department) L’incendio di Chicago-IN OLD CHICAGO
Leo Forbstein - Departmental Head (Warner Bros. Studio Music Department), Max Steiner – Score Emilio Zola-THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA
Morris Stoloff - Departmental Head (Columbia Studio Music Department), Dimitri Tiomkin – Score Orizzonte perduto-LOST HORIZON
Dr. Hugo Riesenfeld - Musical Director (Principal Productions), Dr. Hugo Riesenfeld – Score Buona notte, amore!-MAKE A WISH
Nat W. Finston - Departmental Head (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Music Department), Herbert Stothart – Score Primavera-MAYTIME
Alberto Colombo - Departmental Head (Republic Studio Music Department), Alberto Colombo – Score PORTIA ON TRIAL
Alfred Newman - Musical Director (Selznick International Pictures Music Department), Alfred Newman – Score
Il prigioniero di Zenda-THE PRISONER OF ZENDA
Roy Webb - Musical Director (RKO Radio Studio Music Department), Roy Webb – Score Dolce inganno-QUALITY STREET
Leigh Harline - Departmental Head (Walt Disney Studio Music Department), Frank Churchill – Score, Leigh Harline – Score, Paul J. Smith – Score Biancaneve e i sette nani-SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS
C. Bakaleinikoff - Musical Director (Grand National Studio Music Department), Victor Schertzinger – Score
Boris Morros - Departmental Head (Paramount Studio Music Department), W. Franke Harling – Score, Milan Roder – Score
Anime sul mare-SOULS AT SEA
Marvin Hatley - Departmental Head (Hal Roach Studio Music Department), Marvin Hatley – Score
I fanciulli del West/Allegri vagabondi-WAY OUT WEST
Miglior canzone
Harry Owens - Music & Lyrics
Harry Warren – Music, Al Dubin – Lyrics MR. DODD TAKES THE AIR "Remember Me"
Sammy Fain – Music, Lew Brown – Lyrics Modella di lusso-VOGUES "That Old Feeling"
George Gershwin – Music, Ira Gershwin – Lyrics Voglio danzare con te-SHALL WE DANCE "They Can't Take That Away from Me"
Frederick Hollander – Music, Leo Robin – Lyrics Artisti e modelle-ARTISTS & MODELS "Whispers in the Dark"
Miglior coreografia (This award was discontinued after 1937.)
Hermes Pan
Una magnifica avventura-A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS "Fun House"
Busby Berkeley - Invito alla danza-VARSITY SHOW "The Finale"
Bobby Connolly - READY, WILLING AND ABLE "Too Marvelous for Words"
Dave Gould - Un giorno alle corse-A DAY AT THE RACES "All God's Children Got Rhythm"
Sammy Lee - Alì Babà va in città-ALI BABA GOES TO TOWN "Swing is Here to Stay"
Harry Losee - Scandalo al Grande Hotel-THIN ICE "Prince Igor Suite"
LeRoy Prinz - WAIKIKI WEDDING "Luau"
Miglior Animated Short
Il vecchio mulino - THE OLD MILL
Walt Disney – Producer
THE LITTLE MATCH GIRL - Charles Mintz – Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - One-Reel
ROMANCE OF RADIUM - Pete Smith – Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - Two-Reel
Miglior Short Subjects – Color
(This award was discontinued after 1937.)
Pete Smith – Producer
POPULAR SCIENCE J-7-1 - Paramount
Miglior Assistente alla regia
Robert Webb
L’incendio di Chicago-IN OLD CHICAGO
C.C. Coleman, Jr. - Orizzonti perduti-LOST HORIZON
Russ Saunders - Emilio Zola-THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA
Eric Stacey - E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Hal Walker - Anime sul mare-SOULS AT SEA
Miglior suono
Thomas Moulton
A.E. Kaye - Una ragazza purosangue-THE GIRL SAID NO
John Aalberg - Una donna in gabbia-HITTING A NEW HIGH
E.H. Hansen - L’incendio di Chicago-IN OLD CHICAGO
Nathan Levinson - Emilio Zola-THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA
John Livadary - Orizzonte perduto-LOST HORIZON
Douglas Shearer - Primavera-MAYTIME
Homer Tasker - Cento uomini e una ragazza-ONE HUNDRED MEN AND A GIRL
Elmer Raguse - La via dell’impossibile-TOPPER
L.L. Ryder - Un mondo che sorge-WELLS FARGO
Class I (Statuette)
Agfa ANSCO Corporation
For Agfa Supreme and Agfa Ultra Speed Pan Motion Picture Negatives.
Class II (Plaque)
Walt Disney Productions Ltd.
For the design and application to production of the Multi-Plane Camera.
Eastman Kodak Company
For two fine-grain duplicating film stocks.
Farciot Edouart
Paramount Pictures Inc.
For the development of the Paramount dual screen transparency camera setup.
Douglas Shearer
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Sound Department
For a method of varying the scanning width of variable density sound tracks (squeeze tracks) for the purpose of obtaining an increased amount of noise reduction.
Class III (Citation)
John Arnold
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Camera Department
For their improvement of the semi-automatic follow focus device and its application to all of the cameras used by the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio.
John Livadary
Director of Sound Recording (Columbia Pictures Corporation)
For the application of the biplanar light valve to motion picture sound recording.
Thomas T. Moulton
United Artists Studio Sound Department
For the application to motion picture sound recording of volume indicators which have peak reading response and linear decibel scales.
RCA Manufacturing Company Inc.
For the introduction of the modulated high-frequency method of determining optimum photographic processing conditions for variable width sound tracks.
Douglas Shearer
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Sound Department
For the design of the film drive mechanism as incorporated in the ERPI 1010 reproducer.
Joseph E. Robbins
Paramount Pictures Inc.
For an exceptional application of acoustic principles to the soundproofing of gasoline generators and water pumps.
Honorary and other awards
Mack Sennett
For his lasting contribution to the comedy technique of the screen, the basic principles of which are as important today as when they were first put into practice, the Academy presents a Special Award to that master of fun, discoverer of stars, sympathetic, kindly, understanding comedy genius. Winner presented a Statuette.
Edgar Bergen
For his outstanding comedy creation, Charlie McCarthy. Winner presented a Wooden Statuette.
Museum of Modern Art Film Library
For its significant work in collecting films dating from 1895 to the present and for the first time making available to the public the means of studying the historical and aesthetic development of the motion picture as one of the major arts. Winner presented a Scroll Certificate.
W. Howard Greene
E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
For the color photography of E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN. (This Award was recommended by a committee of leading cinematographers after viewing all the color pictures made during the year.) Winner presented a Plaque.
The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award
(This award was instituted in 1937.)
Darryl F. Zanuck
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