2 Marzo 1944 Grauman’s Chinese Theatre
presenta Jack Benny


Dal lusso del Biltimore Hotel si passa il 4 marzo 1944 al teatro pubblico Grauman’s Chinese Theatre su suggerimento di Bette Davis. Sempre in guerra il presidente dell’Academy Walter Wagner almeno per quest’anno abolisce la tradizionale cena e disse per confermare tutto quello che successe l’anno precedente: “Se vincete un Oscar avete solo 30 secondi per ringraziare”.
Questa fu la prima edizione che aprì le porte al pubblico con 200 posti riservati ai membri delle forze armate.
Tante dunque le novità, tra cui anche il fatto di non aver calcolato che il teatro pubblico non disponeva di un parcheggio e le vetture ci misero un bel po’ prima di trovarlo rischiando di mettere a repentaglio il normale svolgimento della cerimonia.
Il presentatore Jack Benny presentò la serata degli Oscar con alle spalle una “mitica statua degli Oscar alta ben 3 metri e mezzo!!
Discretamente smistate le statuette, persino il produttore Jack Warner rimase sorpreso per la vittoria di “Casablanca”, del resto anche il regista Curtiz, che fu sconfitto più volte nel passato, sul palco ammise di non aver un discorso pronto al momento.

Miglior Film

CASABLANCA (Warner Bros)
Hal B. Wallis – Producer

Per chi suona la campana-FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS (Paramount) - Sam Wood – Producer
Il cielo può attendere-HEAVEN CAN WAIT (20th Century Fox) - Ernst Lubitsch – Producer
La commedia umana-THE HUMAN COMEDY (Mgm) - Clarence Brown – Producer
Eroi del mare/Il cacciatorpediniere Torrin-IN WHICH WE SERVE (Two Cities-Inghilterra) - Noel Coward – Producer
MADAME CURIE (Mgm) - Sidney Franklin – Producer
Molta brigata vita beata-THE MORE THE MERRIER (Columbia) - George Stevens – Producer
Alba fatale-THE OX-BOW INCIDENT (20th Century Fox) - Lamar Trotti – Producer
Bernadette-THE SONG OF BERNADETTE (20th Century Fox) - William Perlberg – Producer
Quando il giorno verrà-WATCH ON THE RHINE (Warner Bros) - Hal B. Wallis – Producer

Miglior regia

Michael Curtiz

Clarence Brown - La commedia umana-THE HUMAN COMEDY
Henry King - Bernadette-THE SONG OF BERNADETTE
Ernst ubitsch - Il cielo può attendere-HEAVEN CAN WAIT
George Stevens - Molta brigata vita beata-THE MORE THE MERRIER

Miglior attore

Paul Lukas
Quando il giorno verrà-WATCH ON THE RHINE

Humphrey Bogart - CASABLANCA
Gary Cooper - Per chi suona la campana-FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS
Walter idgeon - MADAME CURIE
Mickey Rooney - La commedia umana-THE HUMAN COMEDY

Miglior attrice

Jennifer Jones

Jean Arthur - Molta brigata vita beata-THE MORE THE MERRIER
Ingrid Bergman - Per chi suona la campana-FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS
Joan ontaine - Il fiore che non colsi-THE CONSTANT NYMPH
Greer Garson - MADAME CURIE

Miglior attore non protagonista

Charles Coburn
Molta brigata vita beata-THE MORE THE MERRIER

Charles Bickford - Bernadette-THE SONG OF BERNADETTE
J. Carrol Naish - SAHARA
Claude Rains - CASABLANCA
Akim Tamiroff - Per chi suona la campana-FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS

Miglior attrice non protagonista

Katina Paxinou
Per chi suona la campana-FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS

Dame Gladys Cooper - Bernadette-THE SONG OF BERNADETTE
Paulette Goddard - Sorelle in armi-SO PROUDLY WE HAIL!
Anne Revere - Bernadette-THE SONG OF BERNADETTE
Lucile Watson - Quando il giorno verrà-WATCH ON THE RHINE

Miglior sceneggiatura originale

Norman Krasna
Sua altezza è innamorata-PRINCESS O'ROURKE

Dudley Nichols - Arcipelago in fiamme-AIR FORCE
Lillian Hellman - Fuoco a oriente-THE NORTH STAR
Allan Scott - Sorelle in armi-SO PROUDLY WE HAIL!
Sir Noel Coward - Eroi del mare/Il cacciatorpediniere Torrin-IN WHICH WE SERVE

Miglior sceneggiatura non originale

Julius J. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein, Howard Koch

Nunnally Johnson - Una moglie in più-HOLY MATRIMONY
Richard Flournoy, Lewis R. Foster, Frank Ross, Robert Russell - Molta brigata vita beata-THE MORE THE MERRIER
George Seaton - Bernadette-THE SONG OF BERNADETTE
Dashiell Hammett - Quando giorno verrà-WATCH ON THE RHINE

Miglior soggetto

William Saroyan
La commedia umana-THE HUMAN COMEDY

Guy Gilpatric - Convoglio verso l’ignoto-ACTION IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC
Steve Fisher - Destinazione Tokyo-DESTINATION TOKYO
Frank Ross, Robert Russell - Molta brigata vita beata-THE MORE THE MERRIER
Gordon McDonell - L’ombra del dubbio-SHADOW OF A DOUBT

Miglior scenografia e arredamento a colori

Alexander Golitzen - Art Direction, John B. Goodman - Art Direction, Russell A. Gausman - Interior Decoration, Ira S. Webb - Interior Decoration - Il fantasma dell’opera-PHANTOM OF THE OPERA

Hans Dreier - Art Direction, Haldane Douglas - Art Direction, Bertram Granger - Interior Decoration - Per chi suona la campana-FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS
James Basevi - Art Direction, Joseph C. Wright - Art Direction, Thomas Little - Interior Decoration - THE GANG'S ALL HERE
John Hughes - Art Direction, Lieutenant John Koenig - Art Direction, George James Hopkins - Interior Decoration - THIS IS THE ARMY
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, Daniel B. Cathcart - Art Direction, Edwin B. Willis - Interior Decoration, Jacques Mersereau - Interior Decoration - La parata di stelle-THOUSANDS CHEER

Miglior scenografia e arredamento in bianco e nero

James Basevi - Art Direction, William Darling - Art Direction, Thomas Little - Interior Decoration

Ernst Fegte - Art Direction, Bertram Granger - Interior Decoration - I cinque segreti del deserto-FIVE GRAVES TO CAIRO
Albert S. D'Agostino - Art Direction, Carroll Clark - Art Direction, Darrell Silvera - Interior Decoration, Harley Miller - Interior Decoration - Aquile sul Pacifico-FLIGHT FOR FREEDOM
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, Paul Groesse - Art Decoration, Edwin B. Willis - Interior Decoration, Hugh Hunt - Interior Decoration - MADAME CURIE
Carl Weyl - Art Direction, George James Hopkins - Interior Decoration - MISSION TO MOSCOW
Perry Ferguson - Art Direction, Howard Bristol - Interior Decoration - Fuoco a oriente-THE NORTH STAR

Miglior fotografia a colori

Hal Mohr, W. Howard Greene
Il fantasma dell’opera-PHANTOM OF THE OPERA

Ray Rennahan - Per chi suona la campana-FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS
Edward Cronjager - Il cielo può attendere-HEAVEN CAN WAIT
Charles G. Clarke, Allen Davey - Vecchia San Francisco-HELLO FRISCO, HELLO
Leonard Smith - Torna a casa Lassie-LASSIE COME HOME
George Folsey - La parata di stelle-THOUSANDS CHEER

Miglior fotografia in bianco e nero

Arthur C. Miller

James Wong Howe, Elmer Dyer, Charles Marshall - Arcipelago in fiamme-AIR FORCE
Arthur Edeson - CASABLANCA
Tony Gaudio - CORVETTE K-225
John F. Seitz - I cinque segreti del deserto-FIVE GRAVES TO CAIRO
Harry Stradling, Sr. - La commedia umana-THE HUMAN COMEDY
Joseph Ruttenberg - MADAME CURIE
James Wong Howe - Fuoco a oriente-THE NORTH STAR
Rudolph Maté - SAHARA
Charles B. Lang - Sorelle in armi-SO PROUDLY WE HAIL!

Miglior Documentary Feature
(Rules changed in 1943: Documentary divided into Short Subject and Feature.)

British Ministry of Information DESERT VICTORY

Special Service Division of the War Department - BATTLE OF RUSSIA
U.S. Army, Fighting Men Series - BAPTISM OF FIRE
U.S. Army Pictorial Service, Combat Film Series - REPORT FROM THE ALEUTIANS
Field Photographic Branch, Office of Strategic Services - WAR DEPARTMENT REPORT

Miglior Documentary Short Subject
(Rule change in 1943: Documentary divided into Short Subject and Feature.)

U.S. Navy, Field Photographic Branch, Office of Strategic Services - DECEMBER 7TH

This is America Series, RKO Radio - CHILDREN OF MARS
Office of War Information, Overseas Motion Picture Bureau - SWEDES IN AMERICA
U.S. Public Health Service, Walter Wanger, Prods. - TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES
U.S. Navy, Bureau of Aeronautics - TOMORROW WE FLY
March of Time, 20th Century-Fox - YOUTH IN CRISIS

Miglior montaggio

George Amy
Arcipelago in fiamme-AIR FORCE

Doane Harrison - I cinque segreti del deserto-FIVE GRAVES TO CAIRO
Sherman Todd, John Link - Per chi suona la campana-FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS
Barbara McLean - Bernadette-THE SONG OF BERNADETTE

Miglior colonna sonora per film drammatico

Alfred Newman

Hans J. Salter, Frank Skinner - Verso l’ignoto-THE AMAZING MRS. HOLLIDAY
Max Steiner - CASABLANCA
Louis ruenberg, Morris Stoloff - Uragano all’alba-THE COMMANDOS STRIKE AT DAWN
C. Bakaleinikoff, Roy Webb - Il passo del carnefice-THE FALLEN SPARROW
Victor Young - Per chi suona la campana-FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS
Hanns Eisler - Anche i boia uoiono-HANGMEN ALSO DIE
Phil Boutelje - HI DIDDLE DIDDLE
Walter Scharf - Terra nera-WAR OF THE WILDCATS
Gerard Carbonara - La città rubata-THE KANSAN
Arthur ange - Le stelle hanno paura-LADY OF BURLESQUE
Herbert Stothart - MADAME CURIE
Dimitri Tiomkin - La luna e sei soldi-THE MOON AND SIXPENCE
Aaron Copland - Fuoco ad oriente-THE NORTH STAR
Edward H. Plumb, Paul J. Smith, Oliver G. Wallace - VICTORY THROUGH AIR POWER

Miglior colonna sonora per film musicale

Ray Heindorf

Alfred Newman - L’isola delle sirene-CONEY ISLAND
Walter Scharf - HIT PARADE OF 1943
Edward Ward - Il fantasma dell’Opera-PHANTOM OF THE OPERA
Edward H. Plumb, Paul J. Smith, Charles Wolcott - SALUDOS AMIGOS
Leigh Harline - Non ti posso dimenticare-THE SKY'S THE LIMIT
Morris Stoloff - Nasce una stella-SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT
Robert Emmett Dolan - Signorine non guardate i marinai-STAR SPANGLED RHYTHM
Herbert Stothart - La parata delle stelle-THOUSANDS CHEER

Miglior canzone

Harry Warren – Music, Mack Gordon – Lyrics
Vecchia San Francisco-HELLO FRISCO, HELLO "You'll Never Know"

Harold Arlen – Music, Johnny Mercer – Lyrics Signorine non guardate i marinai-STAR SPANGLED RHYTHM "That Old Black Magic"
Jule Style – Music, Harold Adamson – Lyrics HIT PARADE OF 1943 "Change of Heart"
Harold Arlen – Music, E.Y. Harburg – Lyrics Due cuori in cielo-CABIN IN THE SKY "Happiness Is a Thing Called Joe"
Harold Arlen – Music, Johnny Mercer – Lyrics Non ti posso dimenticare-THE SKY'S THE LIMIT "My Shining Hour"
Charles Wolcott – Music, Ned Washington – Lyrics SALUDOS AMIGOS "Saludos Amigos"
Jimmy McHugh – Music, Herb Magidson – Lyrics Tua per sempre-HERS TO HOLD "Say a Prayer for the Boys Over There"
Arthur Schwartz – Music, Frank Loesser – Lyrics - THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS "They're Either Too Young or Too Old"
James Monaco – Music, Al Dubin – Lyrics - La taverna delle stelle-STAGE DOOR CANTEEN "We Mustn't Say Good Bye"
Cole Porter - Music & Lyrics - Nasce una stella-SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT "You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To"

Miglior Animated Short

Frederick Quimby – Producer

THE DIZZY ACROBAT - Walter Lantz – Producer
GREETINGS, BAIT - Leon Schlesinger – Producer
IMAGINATION - Dave Fleischer – Producer
REASON AND EMOTION - Walt Disney – Producer

Miglior Short Subjects - One-Reel

Grantland Rice – Producer

CHAMPIONS CARRY ON - Edmund Reek – Producer
HOLLYWOOD IN UNIFORM - Ralph Staub – Producer

Miglior Short Subjects - Two-Reel

Jerry Bresler – Producer, Sam Coslow – Producer

LETTER TO A HERO - Fred Ullman – Producer
MARDI GRAS - Walter MacEwen – Producer
WOMEN AT WAR - Gordon Hollingshead – Producer

Miglior suono

Stephen Dunn
Questa terra-THIS LAND IS MINE

Jack Whitney (Sound Services Inc.) - Anche i boia muoiono-HANGMEN ALSO DIE
Daniel J. Bloomberg - Terra nera-WAR OF THE WILDCATS
Douglas Shearer - MADAME CURIE
Thomas Moulton - Fuoco ad oriente-THE NORTH STAR
Bernard B. Brown - Il fantasma dell’Opera-PHANTOM OF THE OPERA
Loren L. Ryder - RIDING HIGH
John Livadary - SAHARA
E.H. Hansen - Bernadette-THE SONG OF BERNADETTE
Nathan Levinson - THIS IS THE ARMY

Miglior effetti speciali

Fred Sersen - Special Effects (Photographic), Roger Heman - Special Effects (Sound)
Agguato sul fondo-CRASH DIVE

Hans Koenekamp - Special Effects (Photographic), Rex Wimpy - Special Effects (Photographic), Nathan Levinson - Special Effects (Sound) -
Arcipelago in fiamme-AIR FORCE
Vernon L. Walker - Special Effects (Photographic), James G. Stewart - Special Effects (Sound), Roy Granville - Special Effects (Sound) -
19° stormo bombardieri-BOMBARDIER
Clarence Slifer - Special Effects (Photographic), R.O. Binger - Special Effects (Photographic), Thomas T. Moulton - Special Effects (Sound) - Fuoco a oriente-THE NORTH STAR
Farciot Edouart - Special Effects (Photographic), Gordon Jennings - Special Effects (Photographic), George Dutton - Special Effects (Sound) - Sorelle in armi-SO PROUDLY WE HAIL!
A. Arnold Gillespie - Special Effects (Photographic), Donald Jahraus - Special Effects (Photographic), Michael Steinore - Special Effects (Sound) - Forzate il blocco-STAND BY FOR ACTION

Class I (Statuette)

(No award given for 1943.)

Class II (Plaque)

Farciot Edouart, Earle Morgan, Barton Thompson (Paramount Studio Engineering and Transparency Departments)
For the development and practical application to motion picture production of a method of duplicating and enlarging natural color photographs, transferring the image emulsions to glass plates and projecting these slides by especially designed stereopticon equipment.
Photo Products Department of E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company Inc.
For the development of fine-grain motion picture films.

Class III (Citation)

Daniel J. Bloomberg - Republic Studio Sound Department
For the design and development of an inexpensive method of converting Moviolas to Class B push-pull reproduction.
Charles Galloway Clarke
- 20th Century-Fox Studio Camera Department
For the development and practical application of a device for composing artificial clouds into motion picture scenes during production photography.
Farciot Edouart
- Paramount Studio Transparency Department
For an automatic electric transparency cueing timer.
Willard H. Turner
- RKO Radio Studio Sound Department
For the design and construction of the phono-cue starter.

Honorary and other awards

George Pal
For the development of novel methods and techniques in the production of short subjects known as Puppetoons. Winner presented a Plaque.


The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award

Hal B. Wallis

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