Miglior Film

Tutti gli uomini del re-ALL THE KING'S MEN (Columbia)
Robert Rossen – Producer
Bastogne-BATTLEGROUND (Mgm) - Dore Schary – Producer
L’ereditiera-THE HEIRESS (Paramount) - William Wyler – Producer
Lettera a tre mogli-A LETTER TO THREE WIVES (20th Century Fox) - Sol C. Siegel – Producer
Cielo di fuoco-TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH (20th Century Fox) - Darryl F. Zanuck – Producer
Miglior regia

Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Lettera a tre mogli-A LETTER TO THREE WIVES
Sir Carol Reed - Idolo infranto-THE FALLEN IDOL
Robert Rossen - Tutti gli uomini del re-ALL THE KING'S MEN
William A. Wellman - Bastogne-BATTLEGROUND
William Wyler - L’ereditiera-THE HEIRESS
Miglior attore

Broderick Crawford
Tutti gli uomini del re-ALL THE KING'S MEN
Kirk Douglas - Il campione-CHAMPION
Gregory Peck - Cielo di fuoco-TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH
Richard Todd - Cuore solitario-THE HASTY HEART
John Wayne - Iwo Jima, deserto di fuoco-SANDS OF IWO JIMA
Miglior attrice

Olivia de Havilland
L’ereditiera-THE HEIRESS
Jeanne Crain - Pinky, la negra bianca-PINKY
Susan Hayward - Questo mio folle cuore-MY FOOLISH HEART
Deborah Kerr - Edoardo, mio figlio-EDWARD, MY SON
Loretta Young - Le due suore-COME TO THE STABLE
Miglior attore non protagonista

Dean Jagger
Cielo di fuoco-TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH
John Ireland - Tutti gli uomini del re-ALL THE KING'S MEN
Arthur Kennedy - Il campione-CHAMPION
Sir Ralph Richardson - L’ereditiera-THE HEIRESS
James Whitmore - Bastogne-BATTLEGROUND
Miglior attrice non protagonista

Mercedes McCambridge
Tutti gli uomini del re-ALL THE KING'S MEN
Ethel Barrymore - Pinky, la negra bianca-PINKY
Celeste Holm - Le due suore-COME TO THE STABLE
Elsa Lanchester - Le due suore-COME TO THE STABLE
Ethel Waters - Pinky, la negra bianca-PINKY
Miglior sceneggiatura originale
Robert Pirosh
Sidney Buchman - Non c’è passione più grande-JOLSON SINGS AGAIN
Alfred Hayes, Federico Fellini, Sergio Amidei, Marcello Pagliero, Roberto Rossellini - Paisà
Helen Levitt, Janice Loeb, Sidney Meyers - THE QUIET ONE
Miglior sceneggiatura non originale
Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Lettera a tre mogli-A LETTER TO THREE WIVES
Robert Rossen - Tutti gli uomini del re-ALL THE KING'S MEN
Cesare Zavattini - Ladri di biciclette-THE BICYCLE THIEF
Carl Foreman - Il campione-CHAMPION
Graham Greene - Idolo infranto-THE FALLEN IDOL
Miglior soggetto
Douglas Morrow
Il ritorno del campione-THE STRATTON STORY
Clare Boothe Luce - Le due suore-COME TO THE STABLE
Shirley W. Smith, Valentine Davies - Quando torna primavera-IT HAPPENS EVERY SPRING
Harry Brown - Iwo Jima, deserto di fuoco-SANDS OF IWO JIMA
Virginia Kellogg - La furia umana-WHITE HEAT
Miglior scenografia e arredamento a colori
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, Paul Groesse - Art Direction, Edwin B. Willis - Set Decoration, Jack D. Moore - Set Decoration
Piccole donne-LITTLE WOMEN
Edward Carrere - Art Direction, Lyle Reifsnider - Set Decoration - Le avventure di Don Giovanni-ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN
Jim Morahan - Art Direction, William Kellner - Art Direction, Michael Relph - Art Direction - Sarabanda tragica-SARABAND
Miglior scenografia e arredamento in bianco e nero
John Meehan - Art Direction, Harry Horner - Art Direction, Emile Kuri - Set Decoration
L’ereditiera-THE HEIRESS
Lyle Wheeler - Art Direction, Joseph C. Wright - Art Direction, Thomas Little - Set Decoration, Paul S. Fox - Set Decoration - Le due suore-COME TO THE STABLE
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, Jack Martin Smith - Art Direction, Edwin B. Willis - Set Decoration, Richard A. Pefferle - Set Decoration - MADAME BOVARY
Miglior fotografia a colori
Winton C. Hoch
I cavalieri del Nord-Ovest-SHE WORE A YELLOW RIBBON
Harry Stradling, Sr. - I barkley di Broadway-THE BARKLEYS OF BROADWAY
William Snyder - Non c’è passione più grande-JOLSON SINGS AGAIN
Robert Planck, Charles Schoenbaum - Piccole donne-LITTLE WOMEN
Charles G. Clarke - Sabbia-SAND
Miglior fotografia in bianco e nero
Paul C. Vogel
Frank Planer - Il campione-CHAMPION
Joseph LaShelle - Le due suore-COME TO THE STABLE
Leo Tover - L’ereditiera-THE HEIRESS
Leon Shamroy - Il principe delle volpi-PRINCE OF FOXES
Miglior costumi a colori
Leah Rhodes, Travilla, Marjorie Best
Le avventure di Don Giovanni-ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN
Kay Nelson - L’adorabile intrusa-MOTHER IS A FRESHMAN
Miglior costumi in bianco e nero
Edith Head, Gile Steele
L’ereditiera-THE HEIRESS
Vittorio Nino Novarese - Il principe delle volpi-PRINCE OF FOXES
Miglior Documentary Feature
British Information Services, Crown Film Unit DAYBREAK IN UDI
Paul F. Heard – Producer KENJI COMES HOME
Miglior Documentary Short Subject
Richard de Rochemont – Producer A CHANCE TO LIVE
Co-winner with Edward Selzer for SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE.
Edward Selzer – Producer SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE
Co-winner with Richard DeRochemont for A CHANCE TO LIVE.
A.F. Films, Inc. French Cinema General Cooperative 1848 National Film Board of Canada. St. Frances-Xavier University (Nova Scotia) - THE RISING TIDE
Miglior montaggio
Harry Gerstad
Il campione-CHAMPION
Robert Parrish, Al Clark - Tutti gli uomini del re-ALL THE KING'S MEN
John Dunning - Bastogne-BATTLEGROUND
Richard L. Van Enger - Iwo Jima, Deserto di fuoco-SANDS OF IWO JIMA
Frederic Knudtson - La finestra socchiusa-THE WINDOW
Miglior colonna sonora per film drammatico o brillante
Aaron Copland
L’ereditiera-THE HEIRESS
Max Steiner - Peccato-BEYOND THE FOREST
Dimitri Tiomkin - Il campione-CHAMPION
Miglior colonna sonora per film musicale
Roger Edens, Lennie Hayton
Un giorno a New York-ON THE TOWN
Morris Stoloff, George Duning - Non c’è passione più grande-JOLSON SINGS AGAIN
Ray Heindorf - La vita a passo di danza-LOOK FOR THE SILVER LINING
Miglior canzone
Frank Loesser - Music & Lyrics
La figlia di Nettuno-NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER "Baby, It's Cold Outside"
Jule Styne – Music, Sammy Cahn – Lyrics - L’amore non può attendere-IT'S A GREAT FEELING "It's a Great Feeling"
Eliot Daniel – Music, Larry Morey – Lyrics - SO DEAR TO MY HEART "Lavender Blue"
Victor Young – Music, Ned Washington – Lyrics - Questo mio folle cuore-MY FOOLISH HEART "My Foolish Heart"
Alfred Newman – Music, Mack Gordon – Lyrics - Le due suore-COME TO THE STABLE "Through a Long and Sleepless Night"
Miglior Animated Short
Edward Selzer – Producer
HATCH UP YOUR TROUBLES - Fred Quimby – Producer
THE MAGIC FLUKE - Stephen Bosustow – Producer
TOY TINKERS - Walt Disney – Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - One-Reel
Jack Eaton – Producer
ROLLER DERBY GIRL - Justin Herman – Producer
SO YOU THINK YOU'RE NOT GUILTY - Gordon Hollingshead – Producer
SPILLS AND CHILLS - Walton C. Ament – Producer
WATER TRIX - Pete Smith – Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - Two-Reel
Gaston Diehl – Producer, Robert Haessens – Producer
BOY AND THE EAGLE - William Lasky – Producer
CHASE OF DEATH - Irving Allen – Producer
THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER - Gordon Hollingshead – Producer
SNOW CARNIVAL - Gordon Hollingshead – Producer
Miglior suono
20th Century-Fox Sound Department
Cielo di fuoco-TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH
Universal-International Sound Department - Gli ultimi giorni di uno scapolo-ONCE MORE MY DARLING
Republic Sound Department - Iwo Jima, deserto di fuoco-SANDS OF IWO JIMA
Miglior effetti speciali
(Award given this year to the film without mentioning specific artist.)
Rko Radio
Eagle Lion-Wagner - Tulsa, terra di fuoco-TULSA
Class I (Statuette)
Eastman Kodak Company
For the development and introduction of an improved safety base motion picture film.
Class II (Plaque)
(No award given for 1949.)
Class III (Citation)
Loren L. Ryder, Bruce H. Denney, Robert Carr - Paramount Studio Sound Department
For the development and application of the supersonic playback and public address system.
M.B. Paul
For the first successful large-area seamless translucent backgrounds.
Herbert Britt
For the development and application of formulas and equipment producing artificial snow and ice for dressing motion picture sets.
Andre Coutant, Jacques Mathot
For the design of the Eclair Camerette.
Charles R. Daily, Steve Csillag - Paramount Studio Engineering, Editorial and Music Departments
For a new precision method of computing variable tempo-click tracks.
International Projector Corporation
For a simplified and self-adjusting take-up device for projection machines.
Alexander Velcoff
For the application to production of the infrared photographic evaluator.
Honorary and other awards
Ladri di biciclette
Voted by the Academy Board of Governors as the most outstanding Foreign Language Film released in the United States during 1949. Winner presented a Statuette.
Bobby Driscoll
Outstanding juvenile actor of 1949 for La finestra socchiusa. Winner presented a Miniature Statuette.
Fred Astaire
For his unique artistry and his contributions to the technique of musical pictures. Winner presented a Statuette.
Cecil B. De Mille
Distinguished motion picture pioneer, for 37 years of brilliant showmanship. Winner presented a Statuette.
Jean Hersholt
For distinguished service to the motion picture industry. Winner presented a Statuette.
The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award
(No award given for 1949.)
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