Miglior Film

Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE (20th Century Fox)
Darryl F. Zanuck – Producer
Nata ieri-BORN YESTER DAY (Columbia) - S. Sylvan Simon – Producer
Il padre della sposa-FATHER OF THE BRIDE (Mgm) - Pandro S. Berman – Producer
Le miniere di re Salomone-KING SOLOMON'S MINES (Mgm) - Sam Zimbalist – Producer
Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD. (Paramount) - Charles Brackett – Producer
Miglior regia

Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
George Cukor - Nata ieri-BORN YESTERDAY
John Huston - Giungla d’asfalto-THE ASPHALT JUNGLE
Sir Carol Reed - Il terzo uomo-THE THIRD MAN
Billy Wilder - Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD.
Miglior attore

José Ferrer
Cirano di Bergerac-CYRANO DE BERGERAC
William Holden - Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD.
James Stewart - HARVEY
Spencer Tracy - Il padre della sposa-FATHER OF THE BRIDE
Miglior attrice

Judy Holliday
Anne Baxter - Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Bette Davis - Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Eleanor Parker - Prima colpa-CAGED
Gloria Swanson - Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD.
Miglior attore non protagonista

George Sanders
Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Jeff Chandler - L’amante indiana-BROKEN ARROW
Edmund Gwenn - L’imprendibile mister 880-MISTER 880
Sam Jaffe - Giungla d’asfalto-THE ASPHALT JUNGLE
Erich von Stroheim - Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD.
Miglior attrice non protagonista

Josephine Hull
Hope Emerson - Prima colpa-CAGED
Celeste Holm - Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Nancy Olson - Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD.
Thelma Ritter - Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Miglior sceneggiatura originale
Charles Brackett, Billy Wilder, D.M. Marshman, Jr.
Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD.
Ruth Gordon, Garson Kanin - La costola di Adamo-ADAM'S RIB
Virginia Kellogg, Bernard C. Schoenfeld - Prima colpa-CAGED
Carl Foreman - Uomini/Il mio corpo ti appartiene-THE MEN
Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Lesser Samuels - Uomo bianco, tu vivrai-NO WAY OUT
Miglior sceneggiatura non originale
Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Ben Maddow, John Huston - Giungla d’asfalto-THE ASPHALT JUNGLE
Albert Mannheimer - Nata ieri-BORN YESTERDAY
Michael Blankfort - L’amante indiana-BROKEN ARROW
Frances Goodrich, Albert Hackett - Il padre della sposa-FATHER OF THE BRIDE
Miglior soggetto
Edna Anhalt, Edward Anhalt
Bandiera gialla-PANIC IN THE STREETS
Giuseppe De Santis, Carlo Lizzani - Riso amaro-BITTER RICE
André De Toth, William Bowers - Il romantico avventuriero-THE GUNFIGHTER
Leonard Spigelgass - La strada del mistero-MYSTERY STREET
Sy Gomberg - Bill, sei grande!-WHEN WILLIE COMES MARCHING HOME
Miglior scenografia e arredamento a colori
Hans Dreier - Art Direction, Walter Tyler - Art Direction, Sam Comer - Set Decoration, Ray Moyer - Set Decoration
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, Paul Groesse - Art Direction, Edwin B. Willis - Set Decoration, Richard A. Pefferle - Set Decoration - Anna prendi il fucile-ANNIE GET YOUR GUN
Ernst Fegte - Art Direction, George Sawley - Set Decoration - Uomini sulla luna-DESTINATION MOON
Miglior scenografia e arredamento in bianco e nero
Hans Dreier - Art Direction, John Meehan - Art Direction, Sam Comer - Set Decoration, Ray Moyer - Set Decoration
Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD.
Lyle Wheeler - Art Direction, George W. Davis - Art Direction, Thomas Little - Set Decoration, Walter M. Scott - Set Decoration - Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, Hans Peters - Art Direction, Edwin B. Willis - Set Decoration, Hugh Hunt - Set Decoration - Danubio rosso-THE RED DANUBE
Miglior fotografia a colori
Robert L. Surtees
Le miniere di re Salomone-KING SOLOMON'S MINES
Charles Rosher - Anna prendi il fucile-ANNIE GET YOUR GUN
Ernest G. Palmer - L’amante indiana-BROKEN ARROW
Ernest Haller - La leggenda dell’arciere di fuoco-THE FLAME AND THE ARROW
George Barnes - Sansone e Dalila-SAMSON AND DELILAH
Miglior fotografia in bianco e nero
Robert Krasker
Il terzo uomo-THE THIRD MAN
Milton Krasner - Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Harold Rosson - Giungla d’asfalto-THE ASPHALT JUNGLE
Victor Milner - Le furie-THE FURIES
John F. Seitz - Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD.
Miglior costumi a colori
Edith Head, Dorothy Jeakins, Elois Jenssen, Gile Steele, Gwen Wakeling
Michael Whittaker - La rosa nera-THE BLACK ROSE
Walter Plunkett, Valles - La saga dei Forsyte-THAT FORSYTE WOMAN
Miglior costumi in bianco e nero
Edith Head, Charles LeMaire
Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Jean Louis - Nata ieri-BORN YESTERDAY
Miglior Documentary Feature
Jack Arnold – Producer, Lee Goodman – Producer WITH THESE HANDS
Miglior Documentary Short Subject
Edmund Reek – Producer WHY KOREA?
National Film Board of Canada in cooperation with the Medical Film Institute of the Association of American Medical Colleges - THE FIGHT: SCIENCE AGAINST CANCER
Film Documents, Inc. - THE STAIRS
Miglior montaggio
Ralph E. Winters, Conrad A. Nervig
Le miniere di re Salomone-KING SOLOMON'S MINES
Barbara McLean - Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
James E. Newcom - Anna prende il fucile-ANNIE GET YOUR GUN
Arthur Schmidt, Doane Harrison - Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD.
Oswald Hafenrichter - Il terzo uomo-THE THIRD MAN
Miglior colonna sonora per film drammatico o brillante
Franz Waxman
Viale del tramonto-SUNSET BLVD.
Alfred Newman - Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Max Steiner - La leggenda dell’arciere di fuoco-THE FLAME AND THE ARROW
George Duning - Non siate tristi per me-NO SAD SONGS FOR ME
Victor Young - Sansone e Dalila-SAMSON AND DELILAH
Miglior colonna sonora per film musicale
Adolph Deutsch, Roger Edens
Anna prendi il fucile-ANNIE GET YOUR GUN
Oliver Wallace, Paul J. Smith - Cenerentola-CINDERELLA
Lionel Newman - I'LL GET BY
Andre Previn - Tre piccole parole-THREE LITTLE WORDS
Miglior canzone
Ray Evans - Music & Lyrics, Jay Livingston - Music & Lyrics
La spia del lago-CAPTAIN CAREY, U.S.A. "Mona Lisa"
Nicholas Brodszky – Music, Sammy Cahn – Lyrics - Il pescatore della Louisina-THE TOAST OF NEW ORLEANS "Be My Love"
Mack David - Music & Lyrics, Al Hoffman - Music & Lyrics, Jerry Livingston - Music & Lyrics - Cenerentola-CINDERELLA "Bibbidy-Bobbidi-Boo"
Fred Glickman - Music & Lyrics, Hy Heath - Music & Lyrics, Johnny Lange - Music & Lyrics - L’amante del bandito-SINGING GUNS "Mule Train"
Josef Myrow – Music, Mack Gordon – Lyrics - La venere di Chicago-WABASH AVENUE "Wilhelmina"
Miglior Animated Short
Stephen Bosustow - Executive Producer
JERRY'S COUSIN - Fred Quimby – Producer
TROUBLE INDEMNITY - Stephen Bosustow - Executive Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - One-Reel
Gordon Hollingshead – Producer
BLAZE BUSTERS - Robert Youngson – Producer
WRONG WAY BUTCH - Pete Smith – Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - Two-Reel
La valle dei castori-IN BEAVER VALLEY
Walt Disney – Producer
GRANDMA MOSES - Falcon Films, Inc.
MY COUNTRY 'TIS OF THEE - Gordon Hollingshead – Producer
Miglior suono
20th Century-Fox Sound Department
Eva contro Eva-ALL ABOUT EVE
Disney Sound Department - Cenerentola-CINDERELLA
Universal-International Sound Department - Anna Luisa disperatamente-LOUISA
Goldwyn Sound Department - Noi che ci amiamo-OUR VERY OWN
Cyril Crowhurst (Rank-Sydney Box, Paramount (Great Britain)) - TRIO
Miglior effetti speciali
(Award given this year to the film without mentioning specific artist.)
Eagle Lion Dept. (Waletr Lantz)
Uomini sulla luna-DESTINATION MOON
Paramount Dept. - Sansone e Dalila-SAMSON AND DELILAH
Class I (Statuette)
(No award given for 1950.)
Class II (Plaque)
James B. Gordon - 20th Century-Fox Studio Camera Department
For the design and development of a multiple film viewer.
John Paul Livadary, Floyd Campbell, L.W. Russell - Columbia Studio Sound Department
For the development of a multi-track magnetic re-recording system.
Loren L. Ryder - Paramount Studio Sound Department
For the first studio-wide application of magnetic sound recording to motion picture production.
Class III (Citation)
(No award given for 1950.)
Honorary and other awards
George Murphy
For his services in interpreting the film industry to the country at large. Winner presented a Statuette.
Louis B. Mayer
For distinguished service to the motion picture industry. Winner presented a Statuette.
Le mura di Malapaga-THE WALLS OF MALAPAGA
Voted by the Board of Governors as the most outstanding Foreign Language Film released in the United States in 1950. Winner presented a Statuette.
The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award
Darryl F. Zanuck
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