Miglior Film

Il più grande spettacolo del mondo-THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH (Paramount)
Cecil B. De Mille – Producer
Mezzogiorno di fuoco-HIGH NOON (United Artists) - Stanley Kramer – Producer
IVANHOE (Mgm) - Pandro S. Berman – Producer
MOULIN ROUGE (United Artists) - John Huston – Producer
Un uomo tranquillo-THE QUIET MAN (Republic Pictures) - John Ford – Producer, Merian C. Cooper – Producer
Miglior regia

John Ford
Un uomo tranquillo-THE QUIET MAN
Cecil B. De Mille - Il più grande spettacolo del mondo-THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
John Huston - MOULIN ROUGE
Joseph L. Mankiewicz - Operazione Cicero-FIVE FINGERS
Fred Zinnemann - Mezzogiorno di fuoco-HIGH NOON
Miglior attore

Gary Cooper
Mezzogiorno di fuoco-HIGH NOON
Marlon Brando - VIVA ZAPATA!
Kirk Douglas - Il bruto e la bella-THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL
José Ferrer - MOULIN ROUGE
Sir Alec Guinness - L’incredibile avventura di mr. Holland-THE LAVENDER HILL MOB
Miglior attrice

Shirley Booth
Torna, piccola Sheba!-COME BACK, LITTLE SHEBA
Joan Crawford - So che mi ucciderai-SUDDEN FEAR
Bette Davis - La diva-THE STAR
Susan Hayward - La dominatrice del destino-WITH A SONG IN MY HEART
Miglior attore non protagonista

Anthony Quinn
Richard Burton - Mia cugina Rachele-MY COUSIN RACHEL
Arthur Hunnicutt - Il grande cielo-THE BIG SKY
Victor McLaglen - Un uomo tranquillo-THE QUIET MAN
Jack Palance - So che mi ucciderai-SUDDEN FEAR
Miglior attrice non protagonista

Gloria Grahame
Il bruto e la bella-THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL
Jean Hagen - Cantando sotto la pioggia-SINGIN' IN THE RAIN
Colette Marchand - MOULIN ROUGE
Terry Moore - Torna, piccola Sheba!-COME BACK, LITTLE SHEBA
Thelma Ritter - La dominatrice del destino-WITH A SONG IN MY HEART
Miglior sceneggiatura originale
T.E.B. Clarke
L’incredibile avventura di mr. Holland-THE LAVENDER HILL MOB
Sydney Boehm - La città atomica-THE ATOMIC CITY
Sir Terence Rattigan - Ali del futuro/Oltre la barriera del suono-BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER
Ruth Gordon, Garson Kanin - Lui e lei-PAT AND MIKE
John Steinbeck - VIVA ZAPATA!
Miglior sceneggiatura non originale
Charles Schnee
Il bruto e la bella-THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL
Michael Wilson - Operazione Cicero-FIVE FINGERS
Carl Foreman - Mezzogiorno di fuoco-HIGH NOON
Roger MacDougall, John Dighton, Alexander Mackendrick - Lo scandalo del vestito bianco-THE MAN IN THE WHITE SUIT
Frank S. Nugent - Un uomo tranquillo-THE QUIET MAN
Miglior soggetto
Frederic M. Frank, Theodore St. John, Frank Cavett
Il più grande spettacolo del mondo-THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
Leo McCarey - L’amore più grande-MY SON JOHN
Martin Goldsmith, Jack Leonard - Le jene di Chicago-THE NARROW MARGIN
Edna Anhalt, Edward Anhalt - Nessuno mi salverà-THE SNIPER
Miglior scenografia e arredamento a colori
Paul Sheriff - Art Direction, Marcel Vertes - Set Decoration
Richard Day - Art Direction, Clave - Art Direction, Howard Bristol - Set Decoration - Il favoloso Andersen-HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, Paul Groesse - Art Direction, Edwin B. Willis - Art Direction, Arthur Krams - Art Direction -
La vedova allegra-THE MERRY WIDOW
Frank Hotaling - Art Direction, John McCarthy, Jr. - Set Decoration, Charles Thompson - Set Decoration - Un uomo tranquillo-THE QUIET MAN
Lyle Wheeler - Art Direction, John DeCuir - Art Direction, Thomas Little - Set Decoration, Paul F. Fox - Set Decoration - Le nevi del Kilimangiaro-THE SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO
Miglior scenografia e arredamento in bianco e nero
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, Edward C. Carfagno - Art Direction, Edwin B. Willis - Set Decoration, Keogh Gleason - Set Decoration - Il bruto e la bella-THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL
Hal Pereira - Art Direction, Roland Anderson - Art Direction, Emile Kuri - Set Decoration - Gli occhi che non sorrisero-CARRIE
Lyle Wheeler - Art Direction, John DeCuir - Art Direction, Walter M. Scott - Set Decoration - Mia cugina Rachele-MY COUSIN RACHEL
Takashi Matsuyama - Art Direction, H. Motsumoto - Set Decoration - RASHOMON
Lyle Wheeler - Art Direction, Leland Fuller - Art Direction, Thomas Little - Set Decoration, Claude Carpenter - Set Decoration -
Miglior fotografia a colori
Winton C. Hoch, Archie Stout
Un uomo tranquillo-THE QUIET MAN
Leon Shamroy - Le nevi del Kilimangiaro-THE SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO
Harry Stradling, Sr. - Il favoloso Andersen-HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN
F.A. Young - IVANHOE
George J. Folsey - La ninfa degli antipodi-MILLION DOLLAR MERMAID
Miglior fotografia in bianco e nero
Robert L. Surtees
Il bruto e la bella-THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL
Russell Harlan - Il grande cielo-THE BIG SKY
Joseph LaShelle - Mia cugina Rachele-MY COUSIN RACHEL
Virgil E. Miller - NAVAJO
Charles B. Lang, Jr. - So che mi ucciderai-SUDDEN FEAR
Miglior costumi a colori
Marcel Vertes
Edith Head, Dorothy Jeakins, Miles White - Il più grande spettacolo del mondo-THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
Clave, Mary Wills, Madame Karinska - Il favoloso Andersen-HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN
Helen Rose, Gile Steele - La vedova allegra-THE MERRY WIDOW
Charles LeMaire - La dominatrice del destino-WITH A SONG IN MY HEART
Miglior costumi in bianco e nero
Helen Rose
Il bruto e la bella-THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL
Edith Head - Gli occhi che non sorrisero-CARRIE
Charles LeMaire, Dorothy Jeakins - Mia cugina Rachele-MY COUSIN RACHEL
Sheila O'Brien - So che mi ucciderai-SUDDEN FEAR
Miglior Documentary Feature
Irwin Allen – Producer THE SEA AROUND US
Dore Schary – Producer - THE HOAXTERS
Hall Bartlett – Producer - NAVAJO
Miglior Documentary Short Subject
Norman McLaren – Producer NEIGHBOURS
Stephen Bosustow – Producer - MAN ALIVE!
Alberto Ancilotto – Producer - THE GARDEN SPIDER
Herbert Morgan – Producer - DEVIL TAKE US
Miglior montaggio
Elmo Williams, Harry Gerstad
Mezzogiorno di fuoco-HIGH NOON
Warren Low - Torna, piccola Sheba!-COME BACK, LITTLE SHEBA
William Austin - FLAT TOP
Anne Bauchens - Il più grande spettacolo del mondo-THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
Ralph Kemplen - MOULIN ROUGE
Miglior colonna sonora per film drammatico o brillante
Dimitri Tiomkin
Mezzogiorno di fuoco-HIGH NOON
Miklos Rozsa - IVANHOE
Max Steiner - Nostra Signora di Fatima-THE MIRACLE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA
Herschel Burke Gilbert - La spia-THE THIEF
Alex North - VIVA ZAPATA!
Miglior colonna sonora per film musicale
Alfred Newman
La dominatrice del destino-WITH A SONG IN MY HEART
Ray Heindorf, Max Steiner - THE JAZZ SINGER
Gian-Carlo - Menotti THE MEDIUM
Lennie Hayton - Cantando sotto la pioggia-SINGIN' IN THE RAIN
Walter Scharf - Il favoloso Andersen-HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN
Miglior canzone
Dimitri Tiomkin – Music, Ned Washington – Lyrics
Mezzogiorno di fuoco-HIGH NOON "High Noon (Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darlin')"
Jack Brooks - Music & Lyrics - Il figlio di Viso Pallido-SON OF PALEFACE "Am I in Love"
Nicholas Brodszky – Music, Sammy Cahn – Lyrics - Da quando sei mia-BECAUSE YOU'RE MINE "Because You're Mine"
Frank Loesser - Music & Lyrics - Il favolo Andersen-HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN "Thumbelina"
Harry Warren – Music, Leo Robin – Lyrics - Il sogno dei miei vent’anni-JUST FOR YOU "Zing a Little Zong"
Miglior Animated Short
Fred Quimby – Producer
LITTLE JOHNNY JET - Fred Quimby – Producer
MADELINE - Stephen Bosustow - Executive Producer
PINK AND BLUE BLUES - Stephen Bosustow - Executive Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - One-Reel
Boris Vermont – Producer
ATHLETES OF THE SADDLE - Jack Eaton – Producer
DESERT KILLER - Gordon Hollingshead – Producer
NEIGHBOURS - Norman McLaren – Producer
ROYAL SCOTLAND - Crown Film Unit, British Information Services
Miglior Short Subjects - Two-Reel
Pescatori alati-WATER BIRDS
Walt Disney – Producer
BRIDGE OF TIME - London Film Prod., British Information Services
DEVIL TAKE US - Herbert Morgan – Producer
THAR SHE BLOWS! - Gordon Hollingshead – Producer
Miglior suono
London Film Sound Department
Ali del futuro/Oltre la barriera del suono-BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER
Gordon Sawyer (Goldwyn Sound Department) - Il favoloso Andersen-HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN
Pinewood Studios Sound Department - THE PROMOTER
Daniel J. Bloomberg (Republic Sound Department) - Un uomo tranquillo-THE QUIET MAN
Thomas T. Moulton (20th Century-Fox Sound Department) - La dominatrice del destino-WITH A SONG IN MY HEART
Miglior effetti speciali
(Award given this year to the film without mentioning specific artist.)
Gli avventurieri del Plymouth-PLYMOUTH ADVENTURE
Class I (Statuette)
Eastman Kodak Company
For the introduction of Eastman color negative and Eastman color print film.
Ansco Film Division of General - Aniline and Film Corporation
For the introduction of Ansco color negative and Ansco color print film.
Class II (Plaque)
Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation
For an improved method of color motion picture photography under incandescent light.
Class III (Citation)
Projection, Still Photographic and Development Engineering Departments of MGM Studio.
For an improved method of projecting photographic backgrounds.
John G. Frayne, R.R. Scoville, Westrex Corporation
For a method of measuring distortion in sound reproduction.
Photo Research Corporation
For creating the Spectra color temperature meter.
Gustav Jirouch
For the design of the Robot automatic film splicer.
Carlos Rivas (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio)
For the development of a sound reproducer for magnetic film.
Honorary and other awards
George Alfred Mitchell
For the design and development of the camera which bears his name and for his continued and dominant presence in the field of cinematography. Winner presented a Statuette.
Joseph M. Schenck
For long and distinguished service to the motion picture industry. Winner presented a Statuette.
Merian C. Cooper
For his many innovations and contributions to the motion picture industry. Winner presented a Statuette.
Harold Lloyd
Master comedian and good citizen. Winner presented a Statuette.
Bob Hope
For his contribution to the laughter of the world, his service to the motion picture industry, and his devotion to the American premise. Winner presented a Statuette.
Giochi proibiti-FORBIDDEN GAMES
Best Foreign Language Film first released in the United States during 1952. Winner presented a Statuette.
The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award
Cecil B. De Mille
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