Miglior Film

Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT (Columbia) Won eight Awards.
Sam Spiegel – Producer
L’ammutinamento del Caine-THE CAINE MUTINY (Columbia) - Stanley Kramer – Producer
La ragazza di campagna-THE COUNTRY GIRL (Paramount) - William Perlberg – Producer
Sette spose per sette fratelli-SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS (Mgm) - Jack Cummings – Producer
Tre soldi nella fontana-THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN (20th Century Fox) - Sol C. Siegel – Producer
Miglior regia

Elia Kazan
Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
Sir Alfred Hitchcock - La finestra sul cortile-REAR WINDOW
George Seaton - La ragazza di campagna-THE COUNTRY GIRL
William A. Wellman - Prigionieri del cielo-THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY
Billy Wilder - SABRINA
Miglior attore

Marlon Brando
Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
Humphrey Bogart - L’ammutinamento del Caine-THE CAINE MUTINY
Bing Crosby - La ragazza di campagna-THE COUNTRY GIRL
James Mason - E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Dan O'Herlihy - Le avventure di Robinson Crusoe-ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON CRUSOE
Miglior attrice

Grace Kelly
La ragazza di campagna-THE COUNTRY GIRL
Dorothy Dandridge - CARMEN JONES
Judy Garland - E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Audrey Hepburn - SABRINA
Jane Wyman - Una magnifica ossessione-MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION
Miglior attore non protagonista

Edmond O'Brien
La contessa scalza-THE BAREFOOT CONTESSA
Lee J. Cobb - Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
Karl Malden - Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
Rod Steiger - Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
Tom Tully - L’ammutinamento del Caine-THE CAINE MUTINY
Miglior attrice non protagonista

Eva Marie Saint
Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
Nina Foch - La sete del potere-EXECUTIVE SUITE
Katy Jurado - La lancia che uccide-BROKEN LANCE
Jan Sterling - Prigionieri del cielo-THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY
Claire Trevor - Prigionieri del cielo-THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY
Miglior sceneggiatura originale
Budd Schulberg
Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
Joseph L. Mankiewicz - La contessa scalza-THE BAREFOOT CONTESSA
William Rose - La rivale di mia moglie-GENEVIEVE
Valentine Davies, Oscar Brodney - La storia di Glenn Miller-THE GLENN MILLER STORY
Norman Panama, Melvin Frank - Un pizzico di follia-KNOCK ON WOOD
Miglior sceneggiatura non originale
George Seaton
La ragazza di campagna-THE COUNTRY GIRL
Stanley Roberts - L’ammutinamento del Caine-THE CAINE MUTINY
John Michael Hayes - La finestra sul cortile-REAR WINDOW
Billy Wilder, Samuel Taylor, Ernest Lehman - SABRINA
Albert Hackett, Frances Goodrich, Dorothy Kingsley - Sette spose per sette fratelli-SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS
Miglior soggetto
Philip Yordan
La lancia che uccide-BROKEN LANCE
Ettore Margadonna - Pane, amore e fantasia-BREAD, LOVE AND DREAMS
François Boyer - Giochi proibiti-FORBIDDEN GAMES
Jed Harris, Tom Reed - Gente di notte-NIGHT PEOPLE
Lamar Trotti - Follie dell’anno-THERE'S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS
Miglior scenografia e arredamento a colori
John Meehan - Art Direction, Emile Kuri - Set Decoration
20.000 leghe sotto i mari-20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, Preston Ames - Art Direction, Edwin B. Willis - Set Decoration, Keogh Gleason - Set Decoration - BRIGADOON
Lyle Wheeler - Art Direction, Leland Fuller - Art Direction, Walter M. Scott - Set Decoration, Paul S. Fox - Set Decoration - DESIREE
Hal Pereira - Art Direction, Roland Anderson - Art Direction, Sam Comer - Set Decoration, Ray Moyer - Set Decoration - RED GARTERS
Malcolm Bert - Art Direction, Gene Allen - Art Direction, Irene Sharaff - Art Direction, George James Hopkins - Set Decoration -
E’nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Miglior scenografia e arredamento in bianco e nero
Richard Day - Art Direction
Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
Hal Pereira - Art Direction, Roland Anderson - Art Direction, Sam Comer - Set Decoration, Grace Gregory - Set Decoration -
La ragazza di campagna-THE COUNTRY GIRL
Cedric Gibbons - Art Direction, Edward C. Carfagno - Art Direction, Edwin B. Willis - Set Decoration, Emile Kuri - Set Decoration -
La sete del potere-EXECUTIVE SUITE
Max Ophüls - Art Direction - Il piacere-LE PLAISIR
Hal Pereira - Art Direction, Walter Tyler - Art Direction, Sam Comer - Set Decoration, Ray Moyer - Set Decoration - SABRINA
Miglior fotografia a colori
Milton Krasner
Tre soldi nella fontana-THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN
Leon Shamroy - Sinhuè l’egiziano-THE EGYPTIAN
Robert Burks - La finestra sul cortile-REAR WINDOW
George Folsey - Sette spose per sette fratelli-SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS
William V. Skall - Il calice d’argento-THE SILVER CHALICE
Miglior fotografia in bianco e nero
Boris Kaufman
Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
John F. Warren - La ragazza di campagna-THE COUNTRY GIRL
George Folsey - La sete del potere-EXECUTIVE SUITE
John F. Seitz - Senza scampo-ROGUE COP
Charles B. Lang, Jr. - SABRINA
Miglior costumi a colori
Sanzo Wada
Jigokumon-GATE OF HELL
Irene Sharaff - BRIGADOON
Charles LeMaire, Rene Hubert - DESIREE
Jean Louis, Mary Ann Nyberg, Irene Sharaff - E’nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Charles LeMaire, Travilla, Miles White - Follie dell’anno-THERE'S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS
Miglior costumi in bianco e nero
Edith Head
Georges Annenkov, Rosine Delamare - I gioielli di Made de…-THE EARRINGS OF MADAME DE…
Helen Rose - La sete del potere-EXECUTIVE SUITE
Christian Dior - Stazione Termini-INDISCRETION OF AN AMERICAN WIFE
Jean Louis - La ragazza del secolo-IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU
Miglior Documentary Feature
Walt Disney – Producer La grande prateria-THE VANISHING PRAIRIE
Miglior Documentary Short Subject
World Wide Pictures and Morse Films THURSDAY'S CHILDREN
Otto Lang – Producer - JET CARRIER
Morrie Roizman – Producer - REMBRANDT, A SELF-PORTRAIT
Miglior montaggio
Gene Milford
Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
William Lyon, Henry Batista - L’ammutinamento del Caine-THE CAINE MUTINY
Ralph Dawson - Prigionieri del cielo-THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY
Ralph E. Winters - Sette spose per sette fratelli-SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS
Elmo Williams - 20.000 leghe sotto i mari-20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA
Miglior colonna sonora per film drammatico o brillante
Dimitri Tiomkin
Prigionieri del cielo-THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY
Max Steiner - L’ammutinamento del Caine-THE CAINE MUTINY
Muir Mathieson - La rivale di mia moglie-GENEVIEVE
Leonard Bernstein - Fronte del porto-ON THE WATERFRONT
Franz Waxman - Il calice d’argento-THE SILVER CHALICE
Miglior colonna sonora per film musicale
Adolph Deutsch, Saul Chaplin
Sette spose per sette fratelli-SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS
Herschel Burke Gilbert - CARMEN JONES
Joseph Gershenson, Henry Mancini - La storia di Glenn Miller-THE GLENN MILLER STORY
Ray Heindorf - E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN
Alfred Newman, Lionel Newman - Follie dell’anno-THERE'S NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW BUSINESS
Miglior canzone
Jule Styne – Music, Sammy Cahn – Lyrics
Tre soldi nella fontana-THREE COINS IN THE FOUNTAIN "Three Coins in the Fountain"
Irving Berlin - Music & Lyrics - Bianco natale-WHITE CHRISTMAS "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep"
Dimitri Tiomkin – Music, Ned Washington – Lyrics - Prigionieri del cielo-THE HIGH AND THE MIGHTY "The High and the Mighty"
Jack Lawrence - Music & Lyrics, Richard Myers - Music & Lyrics - Susanna ha dormito qui-SUSAN SLEPT HERE "Hold My Hand"
Harold Arlen – Music, Ira Gershwin – Lyrics - E’ nata una stella-A STAR IS BORN "The Man That Got Away"
Miglior Animated Short
Stephen Bosustow – Producer
CRAZY MIXED UP PUP - Walter Lantz – Producer
PIGS IS PIGS - Walt Disney – Producer
SANDY CLAWS - Edward Selzer – Producer
TOUCHE, PUSSY CAT - Fred Quimby – Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - One-Reel
Robert Youngson – Producer
THE STRAUSS FANTASY - Johnny Green – Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - Two-Reel
Denis Sanders – Producer, Terry Sanders – Producer
BEAUTY AND THE BULL - Cedric Francis – Producer
JET CARRIER - Otto Lang – Producer
SIAM - Walt Disney – Producer
Miglior suono
Leslie I. Carey - Sound Director
La storia di Glenn Miller-THE GLENN MILLER STORY
Wesley C. Miller - Sound Director - BRIGADOON
John P. Livadary - Sound Director - L’ammutinamento del Caine-THE CAINE MUTINY
Loren L. Ryder - Sound Director - La finestra sul cortile-REAR WINDOW
John O. Aalberg - Sound Director - Susanna ha dormito qui-SUSAN SLEPT HERE
Miglior effetti speciali
(Rules changed in 1954: Special Effects reinstated as a regular award.
Award given this year to the film without mentioning specific artist.)
Disney Dept.
20.000 Leghe sotto i mari-20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA
Warner Bros Dept. - Assalto alla terra-HELL AND HIGH WATER
20th Century Fox Dept. - Operazione mistero-THEM!
Class I (Statuette)
Paramount Pictures Inc. technical and engineering staff - Loren L. Ryder, John R. Bishop
For developing a method of producing and exhibiting motion pictures known as VistaVision.
Class II (Plaque)
(No award given for 1954.)
Class III (Citation)
David S. Horsley - Universal-International Studio Special Photographic Department
For a portable remote control device for process projectors.
Karl Freund (Photo Research Corporation), Frank Crandell (Photo Research Corporation)
For the design and development of a direct reading brightness meter.
Wesley C. Miller, J.W. Stafford, K.M. Frierson, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Sound Department
For an electronic sound printing comparison device.
John P. Livadary, Lloyd Russell - Columbia Studio Sound Department
For an improved limiting amplifier as applied to sound level comparison devices.
Roland Miller (Magnascope Corporation), Max Goeppinger (Magnascope Corporation)
For the design and development of a cathode ray magnetic sound track viewer.
Carlos Rivas, G.M. Sprague - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Sound Department
For the design of a magnetic sound editing machine.
Fred Wilson (Samuel Goldwyn Studio Sound Department)
For the design of a variable multiple-band equalizer.
P.C. Young (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Projection Department)
For the practical application of a variable focal length attachment to motion picture projector lenses.
Fred Knoth (Universal-International Studio Technical Department), Orien Ernest (Universal-International Studio Technical Department)
For the development of a hand portable, electric, dry oil-fog machine.
Honorary and other awards
Bausch & Lomb Optical Company
For their contributions to the advancement of the motion picture industry. Winner presented a Statuette.
Kemp R. Niver
For the development of the Renovare Process which has made possible the restoration of the Library of Congress Paper Film Collection. Winner presented a Statuette.
Greta Garbo
For her unforgettable screen performances. Winner presented a Statuette.
Danny Kaye
For his unique talents, his service to the Academy, the motion picture industry, and the American people. Winner presented a Statuette.
Jon Whiteley - Confini del proibito-THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS
For his outstanding juvenile performance in Confini del proibito-THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS. Winner presented Miniature Statuette.
Jigokumon-GATE OF HELL
Best Foreign Language Film first released in the United States during 1954. Winner presented a Statuette.
Vincent Winter - Confini del proibito-THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS
For his outstanding juvenile performance in Confini del proibito-THE LITTLE KIDNAPPERS. Winner presented Miniature Statuette.
The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award
(No award given for 1954.)
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