Miglior Film

BEN-HUR (Mgm) Won 11 Awards.
Sam Zimbalist – Producer
Anatomia di un omicidio-ANATOMY OF A MURDER (Columbia) - Otto Preminger – Producer
Il diario di Anna Frank-THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK (20th Century Fox) - George Stevens – Producer
Storia di una monaca-THE NUN'S STORY (Warner Bros) - Henry Blanke – Producer
La strada dei quartieri alti-ROOM AT THE TOP (Romulus British Film) - James Woolf – Producer, John Woolf – Producer
Miglior regia

William Wyler
Jack Clayton - La strada dei quartieri alti-ROOM AT THE TOP
George Stevens - Il diario di Anna Frank-THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK
Billy Wilder - A qualcuno piace caldo-SOME LIKE IT HOT
Fred Zinnemann - Storia di una monaca-THE NUN'S STORY
Miglior attore

Charlton Heston
Laurence Harvey - La strada dei quartieri alti-ROOM AT THE TOP
Jack Lemmon - A qualcuno piace caldo-SOME LIKE IT HOT
Paul Muni - Addio dottor Abelman!-THE LAST ANGRY MAN
James Stewart - Anatomia di un omicidio-ANATOMY OF A MURDER
Miglior attrice

Simone Signoret
La strada dei quartieri alti-ROOM AT THE TOP
Doris Day - Il letto racconta-PILLOW TALK
Audrey Hepburn - Storia di una monaca-THE NUN'S STORY
Katharine Hepburn - Improvvisamente l’estate scorsa-SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER
Elizabeth Taylor - Improvvisamente l’estate scorsa-SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER
Miglior attore non protagonista

Hugh Griffith
Arthur O'Connell - Anatomia di un omicidio-ANATOMY OF A MURDER
George C. Scott - Anatomia di un omicidio-ANATOMY OF A MURDER
Robert Vaughn - I segreti di Filadelfia-THE YOUNG PHILADELPHIANS
Ed Wynn - Il diario di Anna Frank-THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK
Miglior attrice non protagonista

Shelley Winters
Il diario di Anna Frank-THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK
Hermione Baddeley - La strada dei quartieri alti-ROOM AT THE TOP
Susan Kohner - Lo specchio della vita-IMITATION OF LIFE
Juanita Moore - Lo speccio della vita-IMITATION OF LIFE
Thelma Ritter - Il letto racconta-PILLOW TALK
Miglior soggetto e sceneggiatura originale
Russell Rouse, Clarence Greene, Stanley Shapiro, Maurice Richlin
Il letto racconta-PILLOW TALK
François Truffaut, Marcel Moussy - I quattrocento colpi-THE FOUR HUNDRED BLOWS
Ernest Lehman - Intrigo internazionale-NORTH BY NORTHWEST
Paul King, Joseph Stone, Stanley Shapiro, Maurice Richlin - Operazione sottoveste-OPERATION PETTICOAT
Ingmar Bergman - Il posto delle fragole-WILD STRAWBERRIES
Miglior sceneggiatura non originale
Neil Paterson
La strada dei quartieri alti-ROOM AT THE TOP
Wendell Mayes - Anatomia di un omicidio-ANATOMY OF A MURDER
Karl Tunberg - BEN-HUR
Robert Anderson - Storia di una monaca-THE NUN'S STORY
Billy Wilder, I.A.L. Diamond - A qualcuno piace caldo-SOME LIKE IT HOT
Miglior film straniero
Orfeo negro-BLACK ORPHEUS (France)
Il ponte-THE BRIDGE (Federal Republic of Germany)
La grande guerra (Italy)
PAW (Denmark)
Dorp aan the river-THE VILLAGE ON THE RIVER (The Netherlands)
Miglior scenografia e arredamento a colori (Rules changed in 1959: Art Direction/Set Decoration divided into separate awards for Color and Black & White.)
William A. Horning - Art Direction, Edward C. Carfagno - Art Direction, Hugh Hunt - Set Decoration
John DeCuir - Art Direction, Julia Heron - Set Decoration - Il grande pescatore-THE BIG FISHERMAN
Lyle Wheeler - Art Direction, Franz Bachelin - Art Direction, Herman A. Blumenthal - Art Direction, Walter M. Scott - Set Decoration, Joseph Kish - Set Decoration - Viaggio al centro della terra-JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH
William A. Horning - Art Direction, Robert Boyle - Art Direction, Merrill Pye - Art Direction, Henry Grace - Set Decoration, Frank McKelvy - Set Decoration - Intrigo internazionale-NORTH BY NORTHWEST
Richard H. Riedel - Art Direction, Russell A. Gausman - Set Decoration, Ruby R. Levitt - Set Decoration - Il letto racconta-PILLOW TALK
Miglior scenografia e arredamento in bianco e nero (Rules changed in 1959: Art Direction/Set Decoration divided into separate awards for Color and Black & White.)
Lyle Wheeler - Art Direction, George W. Davis - Art Direction, Walter M. Scott - Set Decoration, Stuart A. Reiss – Set Decoration
Il diario di Anna Frank-THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK
Hal Pereira - Art Direction, Walter Tyler - Art Direction, Sam Comer - Set Decoration, Arthur Krams - Set Decoration - Il prezzo del successo-CAREER
Carl Anderson - Art Direction, William Kiernan - Set Decoration - Addio dottor Abelman!-THE LAST ANGRY MAN
Ted Haworth - Art Direction, Edward G. Boyle - Set Decoration - A qualcuno piace caldo-SOME LIKE IT HOT
Oliver Messel - Art Direction, William Kellner - Art Direction, Scott Slimon - Set Decoration - Improvvisamente l’estate scorsa-SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER
Miglior fotografia a colori
Robert L. Surtees
Lee Garmes - Il grande pescatore-THE BIG FISHERMAN
Daniel L. Fapp - I cinque penny-THE FIVE PENNIES
Franz Planer - Storia di una monaca-THE NUN'S STORY
Leon Shamroy - PORGY AND BESS
Miglior fotografia in bianco e nero
William C. Mellor
Il diario di Anna Frank-THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK
Sam Leavitt - Anatomia di un omicidio-ANATOMY OF A MURDER
Joseph LaShelle - Il prezzo del successo-CAREER
Charles B. Lang, Jr. - A qualcuno piace caldo-SOME LIKE IT HOT
Harry Stradling, Sr. - I segreti di Filadelfia-THE YOUNG PHILADELPHIANS
Miglior costumi a colori (Rules changed in 1959: Costume Design divided into separate awards for Color and Black & White.)
Elizabeth Haffenden
Adele Palmer - Donne in cerca d’amore-THE BEST OF EVERYTHING
Renie - Il grande pescatore-THE BIG FISHERMAN
Edith Head - I cinque penny-THE FIVE PENNIES
Irene Sharaff - PORGY AND BESS
Miglior costumi in bianco e nero (Rules changed in 1959: Costume Design divided into separate awards for Color and Black & White.)
A qualcuno piace caldo-SOME LIKE IT HOT
Edith Head - Il prezzo del successo-CAREER
Charles LeMaire, Mary Wills - Il diario di Anna Frank-THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK
Helen Rose - Gazebo-THE GAZEBO
Howard Shoup - I segreti di Filadelfia-THE YOUNG PHILADELPHIANS
Miglior Documentary Feature
Bernhard Grzimek – Producer Seregenti non morirà-SERENGETI SHALL NOT DIE
David L. Wolper – Producer THE RACE FOR SPACE
Miglior Documentary Short Subject
Bert Haanstra – Producer GLASS
Walt Disney – Producer - DONALD IN MATHMAGIC LAND
Miglior montaggio
Ralph E. Winters, John D. Dunning
Louis R. Loeffler - Anatomia di un omicidio-ANATOMY OF A MURDER
George Tomasini - Intrigo internazionale-NORTH BY NORTHWEST
Walter Thompson - Storia di una monaca-THE NUN'S STORY
Frederic Knudtson - L’ultima spiaggia-ON THE BEACH
Miglior colonna sonora per film drammatico o brillante
Miklòs Ròzsa
Alfred Newman - Il diario di Anna Frank-THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK
Franz Waxman - Storia di una monaca-THE NUN'S STORY
Ernest Gold - L’ultima spiaggia-ON THE BEACH
Frank De Vol - Il letto racconta-PILLOW TALK
Miglior colonna sonora per film musicale
Andre Previn, Ken Darby
Leith Stevens - I cinque penny-THE FIVE PENNIES
Nelson Riddle, Joseph J. Lilley - Il villaggio più pazzo del mondo-LI'L ABNER
Lionel Newman - Dinne una per me-SAY ONE FOR ME
George Bruns - La bella addormentata nel bosco-SLEEPING BEAUTY
Miglior canzone
James Van Heusen – Music, Sammy Cahn – Lyrics
Un uomo da vendere-A HOLE IN THE HEAD "High Hopes"
Alfred Newman – Music, Sammy Cahn – Lyrics - Donne in cerca d’amore-THE BEST OF EVERYTHING "The Best of Everything"
Sylvia Fine - Music & Lyrics - I cinque penny-THE FIVE PENNIES "The Five Pennies"
Jerry Livingston – Music, Mack David – Lyrics - L’albero degli impiccati-THE HANGING TREE "The Hanging Tree"
Dimitri Tiomkin – Music, Ned Washington – Lyrics - Là dove il sole bacia-THE YOUNG LAND "Strange Are the Ways of Love"
Miglior Animated Short
John Hubley – Producer
MEXICALI SHMOES - John W. Burton – Producer
NOAH'S ARK - Walt Disney – Producer
THE VIOLINIST - Ernest Pintoff – Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - Live Action Subjects
Jacques-Yves Cousteau – Producer
BETWEEN THE TIDES - Ian Ferguson – Producer
MYSTERIES OF THE DEEP - Walt Disney – Producer
SKYSCRAPER - Shirley Clarke – Producer, Willard Van Dyke – Producer, Irving Jacoby – Producer
Miglior suono
Franklin E. Milton (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Sound Department)
Carl Faulkner (20th Century-Fox Studio Sound Department) - Una giornata al centro della terra-JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH
A.W. Watkins (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer) - Il diavolo nello specchio-LIBEL
George R. Groves (Warner Bros. Studio Sound Department) - Storia di una monaca-THE NUN'S STORY
Gordon E. Sawyer (Samuel Goldwyn Studio Sound Department), Fred Hynes (Todd-AO Sound Department) - PORGY AND BESS
Miglior effetti speciali
A. Arnold Gillespie - Special Effects (Visual), Robert MacDonald - Special Effects (Visual), Milo Lory - Special Effects (Audible)
L.B. Abbott - Special Effects (Visual), James B. Gordon - Special Effects (Visual), Carl Faulkner - Special Effects (Aduble) - Viaggio al centro della terra-JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH
Class I (Statuette)
(No award given for 1959.)
Class II (Plaque)
Douglas Shearer (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.), Robert E. Gottschalk (Panavision Inc.), John R. Moore (Panavision Inc.)
For the development of a system of producing and exhibiting wide-film motion pictures known as Camera 65.
Wadsworth E. Pohl, William Evans, Werner Hopf, S.E. Howse, Thomas P. Dixon, Stanford Research Institute Technicolor Corporation
For the design and development of the Technicolor electronic printing timer.
Wadsworth E. Pohl, Jack Alford, Henry Imus, Joseph Schmit, Paul Fassnacht, Al Lofquist, Technicolor Corporation
For the development and practical application of equipment for wet printing.
Dr. Howard S. Coleman (Bausch & Lomb Optical Company), Dr. A. Francis Turner (Bausch & Lomb Optical Company), Harold H. Schroeder (Bausch & Lomb Optical Company), James R. Benford (Bausch & Lomb Optical Company), Harold E. Rosenberger (Bausch & Lomb Optical Company)
For the design and development of the Balcold projection mirror.
Robert P. Gutterman (General Kinetics Inc.), Lipsner-Smith Corporation
For the design and development of the CF-2 Ultra-sonic Film Cleaner.
Class III (Citation)
Ub Iwerks - Walt Disney Productions
For the design of an improved optical printer for special effects and matte shots.
E.L. Stones (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Construction Department), Glen Robinson (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Construction Department), Winfield Hubbard (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Construction Department), Luther Newman (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Construction Department)
For the design of a multiple-cable remote-controlled winch.
Honorary and other awards
Lee De Forest
For his pioneering inventions which brought sound to the motion picture. Winner presented a Statuette.
Buster Keaton
For his unique talents which brought immortal comedies to the screen. Winner presented a Statuette.
The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award
(No award given for 1959.)
The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award
Bob Hope
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