Miglior Film

Tutti insieme appassionatamente-THE SOUND OF MUSIC (20th Century Fox)
Robert Wise – Producer
DARLING (Enbassy) - Joseph Janni – Producer
Il dottor Zivago-DOCTOR ZHIVAGO (Mgm) - Carlo Ponti – Producer
La nave dei folli-SHIP OF FOOLS (Columbia) - Stanley Kramer – Producer
L’incredibile Murray/L’uomo che disse no-A THOUSAND CLOWNS (United Artists) - Fred Coe – Producer
Miglior regia

Robert Wise
Tutti insieme appassionatamente-THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Sir David Lean - Il dottor Zivago-DOCTOR ZHIVAGO
John Schlesinger - DARLING
Hiroshi Teshigahara - La donna di sabbia-WOMAN IN THE DUNES
William Wyler - Il collezionista-THE COLLECTOR
Miglior attore

Lee Marvin
Richard Burton - La spia che venne dal freddo-THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD
Lord Laurence Olivier - Otello-OTHELLO
Rod Steiger - L’uomo del banco dei pegni-THE PAWNBROKER
Oskar Werner - La nave dei folli-SHIP OF FOOLS
Miglior attrice

Julie Christie
Julie Andrews - Tutti insieme appassionatamente-THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Samantha Eggar - Il collezionista-THE COLLECTOR
Simone Signoret - La nave dei folli-SHIP OF FOOLS
Elizabeth Hartman - Incontro a Central Park-A PATCH OF BLUE
Miglior attore non protagonista

Martin Balsam
L’incredibile Murray/L’uomo che disse no-A THOUSAND CLOWNS
Ian Bannen - Il volo della fenice-FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX
Tom Courtenay - Il dottor Zivago-DOCTOR ZHIVAGO
Michael Dunn - La nave dei folli-SHIP OF FOOLS
Frank Finlay - Otello-OTHELLO
Miglior attrice non protagonista

Shelley Winters
Incontro a Central Park-A PATCH OF BLUE
Ruth Gordon - Lo strano mondo di Daisy Clover/INSIDE DAISY CLOVER
Joyce Redman - Otello-OTHELLO
Maggie Smith - Otello-OTHELLO
Peggy Wood - Tutti insieme appassionatamente-THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Miglior soggetto e sceneggiatura originale
Frederic Raphael
Suso Cecchi D'Amico, Tonino Guerra, Agenore Incrocci, Mario Monicelli, Giorgio Salvioni, Furio Scarpelli - CASANOVA '70
Jack Davies, Ken Annakin - Quei temerari sulle macchine volanti-THOSE MAGNIFICENT MEN IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES
Franklin Coen, Frank Davis - Il treno-THE TRAIN
Jacques Demy - Les purapluies de Cherbourg-THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG
Miglior sceneggiatura non originale
Robert Bolt
Il dottor Zivago-DOCTOR ZHIVAGO
Walter Newman, Frank R. Pierson - CAT BALLOU
Stanley Mann, John Kohn - Il collezionista-THE COLLECTOR
Herb Gardner - L’incredibile Murray/L’uomo che disse di no-A THOUSAND CLOWNS
Abby Mann - La nave dei folli-SHIP OF FOOLS
Miglior film straniero
Il negozio al corso-THE SHOP ON MAIN STREET (Czechoslovakia)
Homa vaftike kokkino-BLOOD ON THE LAND (Greece)
Il mio caro John-DEAR JOHN (Sweden)
Kaidan-KWAIDAN (Japan)
Matrimonio all’italiana-MARRIAGE ITALIAN-STYLE (Italy)
Produced in 1964, but nominated for Foreign Film in 1965, a year later.
Miglior scenografia e arredamento a colori
John Box - Art Direction, Terry Marsh - Art Direction, Dario Simoni - Set Decoration Il dottor Zivago-DOCTOR ZHIVAGO
John DeCuir - Art Direction, Jack Martin Smith - Art Direction, Dario Simoni - Set Decoration - Il tormento e l’estasi-THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY
Richard Day - Art Direction, William Creber - Art Direction, David Hall - Art Direction, Ray Moyer - Set Decoration, Fred MacLean - Set Decoration, Norman Rockett - Set Decoration - La più grande storia mai raccontata-THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD
Robert Clatworthy - Art Direction, George James Hopkins - Set Decoration - Lo strano mondo di Daisy Clover-INSIDE DAISY CLOVER
Boris Leven - Art Direction, Walter M. Scott - Set Decoration, Ruby Levitt - Set Decoration - Tutti insieme appassionatamente-THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Miglior scenografia e arredamento in bianco e nero
Robert Clatworthy - Art Direction, Joseph Kish - Set Decoration
La nave dei folli-SHIP OF FOOLS
Robert Emmet Smith - Art Direction, Frank Tuttle - Set Decoration - Qualcuno da odiare-KING RAT
George W. Davis - Art Direction, Urie McCleary - Art Direction, Henry Grace - Set Decoration, Charles S. Thompson - Set Decoration - Incontro a Central Park-A PATCH OF BLUE
Hal Pereira - Art Direction, Jack Poplin - Art Direction, Robert R. Benton - Set Decoration, Joseph Kish - Set Decoration - La vita corre sul filo-THE SLENDER THREAD
Hal Pereira - Art Direction, Tambi Larsen - Art Direction, Edward Marshall - Art Direction, Josie MacAvin - Set Decoration - La spia che venne dal freddo-THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD
Miglior fotografia a colori
Freddie Young
Il dottor Zivago-DOCTOR ZHIVAGO
Leon Shamroy - Il tormento e l’estasi-THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY
Russell Harlan - La grande corsa-THE GREAT RACE
William C. Mellor, Loyal Griggs - La più grande storia mai raccontata-THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD
Ted McCord - Tutti insieme appassionatamente-THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Miglior fotografia in bianco e nero
Ernest Laszlo
La nave dei folli-SHIP OF FOOLS
Loyal Griggs - Prima vittoria-IN HARM'S WAY
Burnett Guffey - Qualcuno da odiare-KING RAT
Robert Burks - Incontro a Central Park-A PATCH OF BLUE
Miglior costumi a colori
Phyllis Dalton
Il dottor Zivago-DOCTOR ZHIVAGO
Vittorio Nino Novarese - Il tormento e l’estasi-THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY
Vittorio Nino Novarese, Marjorie Best - La più grande storia mai raccontata-THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD
Bill Thomas, Edith Head - Lo strano mondo di Daisy Clover-INSIDE DAISY CLOVER
Dorothy Jeakins - Tutti insieme appassionatamente-THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Miglior costumi in bianco e nero
Julie Harris
Howard Shoup - Smania di vita-A RAGE TO LIVE
Bill Thomas, Jean Louis - La nave dei folli-SHIP OF FOOLS
Edith Head - La vita corre sul filo-THE SLENDER THREAD
Miglior Documentary Feature
Laurence E. Mascott – Producer - THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE...THE BRAVE RIFLES
Peter Mills – Producer - THE FORTH ROAD BRIDGE
Marshall Flaum – Producer - LET MY PEOPLE GO
Frédéric Rossif – Producer - TO DIE IN MADRID
Miglior Documentary Short Subject
Francis Thompson, Inc. TO BE ALIVE!
Kirk Smallman – Producer - MURAL ON OUR STREET
Hungarofilm-Pathé Contemporary Films - OUVERTURE
National Tuberculosis Assoc. - THE POINT OF VIEW
Patrick Carey – Producer, Joe Mendoza – Producer - YEATS COUNTRY
Miglior montaggio
William H. Reynolds
Tutti insieme appassionatamente-THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Charles Nelson - CAT BALLOU
Norman Savage - Il dottor Zivago-DOCTOR ZHIVAGO
Michael Luciano - Il volo della Fenice-FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX
Ralph E. Winters - La grande corsa-THE GREAT RACE
Miglior colonna sonora originale
Maurice Jarre
Il dottor Zivago-DOCTOR ZHIVAGO
Alex North - Il tormento e l’estasi-THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY
Alfred Newman - La più grande storia mai raccontata-THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD
Jerry Goldsmith - Incontro a Central Park-A PATCH OF BLUE
Michel Legrand, Jacques Demy - Les parapluies de Cherbourg-THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG
Miglior adattamento musicale
Irwin Kostal
Tutti insieme appassionatamente-THE SOUND OF MUSIC
Frank De Vol - CAT BALLOU
Lionel Newman, Alexander Courage - Mentre Adamo dorme-THE PLEASURE SEEKERS
Don Walker - L’incredibile Murray/L’uomo che disse no-A THOUSAND CLOWNS
Michel Legrand - Les parapluies de Cherbourg-THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG
Miglior canzone
Johnny Mandel – Music, Paul Francis Webster – Lyrics
Castelli di sabbia-THE SANDPIPER "The Shadow of Your Smile"
Jerry Livingston – Music, Mack David – Lyrics - CAT BALLOU "The Ballad of Cat Ballou"
Michel Legrand – Music, Jacques Demy – Lyrics, Norman Gimbel – Lyrics - Les parapluies de Cherbourg-THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG "I Will Wait for You"
Henry Mancini – Music, Johnny Mercer – Lyrics La grande corsa-THE GREAT RACE "The Sweetheart Tree"
Burt Bacharach – Music, Hal David – Lyrics Ciao Pussycat-WHAT'S NEW, PUSSYCAT? "What's New Pussycat?"
Miglior Animated Short
Chuck Jones – Producer, Les Goldman – Producer
CLAY OR THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES - Eliot Noyes, Jr. – Producer
THE THIEVING MAGPIE - Emanuele Luzzati – Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - Live Action Subjects
Claude Berri – Producer
FORTRESS OF PEACE - Lothar Wolff – Producer
SKATERDATER - Marshal Backlar – Producer, Noel Black – Producer
SNOW - Edgar Anstey – Producer
TIME PIECE - Jim Henson – Producer
Miglior suono
James P. Corcoran (20th Century-Fox Studio Sound Department), Fred Hynes (Todd-AO Sound Department)
Tutti insieme appassionatamente-THE SOUND OF MUSIC
James P. Corcoran (20th Century-Fox Studio Sound Department) - Il tormento e l’estasi-THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY
A.W. Watkins (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer British Studio Sound Department), Franklin E. Milton (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio Sound Department) - Il dottor Zivago-DOCTOR ZHIVAGO
George R. Groves (Warner Bros. Studio Sound Department) - La grande corsa-THE GREAT RACE
Waldon O. Watson (Universal City Studio Sound Department) - Shenandoah, la valle dell’onore-SHENANDOAH
Miglior effetti speciali sonori
Tregoweth Brown
La grande corsa-THE GREAT RACE
Walter A. Rossi - Il colonnello Von Ryan-VON RYAN'S EXPRESS
Miglior effetti speciali visivi
John Stears
Agente 007, operazione tuono-THUNDERBALL
Joseph McMillan Johnson - La più grande storia mai raccontata-THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD
Class I (Statuette)
(No award given for 1965.)
Class II (Plaque)
Arthur J. Hatch (Strong Electric Corporation, Subsidiary of General Precision Equipment Corporation)
For the design and development of an Air Blown Carbon Arc Projection Lamp.
Stefan Kudelski
For the design and development of the Nagra portable 1/4" tape recording system for motion picture sound recording.
Class III (Citation)
(No award given for 1965.)
Honorary and other awards
Bob Hope
For unique and distinguished service to our industry and the Academy. Winner presented a Gold Medal.
The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award
William Wyler
The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award
Edmond L. DePatie
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