Miglior Film

(Paramount) Francis Ford Coppola – Producer, Fred Roos - Co-producer, Gray Frederickson - Co-producer
CHINATOWN (Paramount) - Robert Evans – Producer
La conversazione-THE CONVERSATION (Paramount)- Francis Ford Coppola – Producer, Fred Roos - Co-producer
LENNY (United Artists) - Marvin Worth – Producer
Inferno di cristallo-THE TOWERING INFERNO (20th Century Fox) - Irwin Allen – Producer
Miglior regia

Francis Ford Coppola
John Cassavetes - Una moglie-A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE
Bob Fosse - LENNY
Roman Polanski - CHINATOWN
François Truffaut - Effetto notte-DAY FOR NIGHT
Miglior attore

Art Carney
Albert Finney - Assassinio sull’Oriente Express-MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS
Dustin Hoffman - LENNY
Jack Nicholson - CHINATOWN
Al Pacino - Il padrino-Parte II-THE GODFATHER PART II
Miglior attrice

Ellen Burstyn
Alice non abita più qui-ALICE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE
Diahann Carroll - CLAUDINE
Faye Dunaway - CHINATOWN
Valerie Perrine - LENNY
Gena Rowlands - Una moglie-A WOMAN UNDER THE INFLUENCE
Miglior attore non protagonista

Robert De Niro
Fred Astaire - Inferno di cristallo-THE TOWERING INFERNO
Jeff Bridges - Una calibro 20 per lo specialista-THUNDERBOLT AND LIGHTFOOT
Michael V. Gazzo - Il padrino-Parte III-THE GODFATHER PART II
Lee Strasberg - Il padrino-Parte II-THE GODFATHER PART II
Miglior attrice non protagonista

Ingrid Bergman
Assassinio sull’Oriente Expess-MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS
Valentina Cortese - Effetto notte-DAY FOR NIGHT
Madeline Kahn - Mezzogiorno e mezzo di fuoco-BLAZING SADDLES
Diane Ladd - Alice non abita più qui.ALICE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE
Talia Shire - Il padrino-Parte II-THE GODFATHER PART II
Miglior soggetto e sceneggiatura originale (formerly Story and Screenplay (Based on Factual Material or Material Not Previously Published or Produced))
Robert Towne
Robert Getchell - Alice non abita più qui-ALICE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE
Francis Ford Coppola - La conversazione-THE CONVERSATION
François Truffaut, Jean-Louis Richard, Suzanne Schiffman - Effetto notte-DAY FOR NIGHT
Paul Mazursky, Josh Greenfeld - HARRY AND TONTO
Miglior sceneggiatura non originale (formerly Screenplay (Based on Material from Another Medium)
Francis Ford Coppola, Mario Puzo
Mordecai Richler, Lionel Chetwynd - Soldi ad ogni costo-THE APPRENTICESHIP OF DUDDY KRAVITZ
Julian Barry - LENNY
Paul Dehn - Assassinio sull’Oriente Express-MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS
Gene Wilder, Mel Brooks - Frankenstein Junior-YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN
Miglior film straniero
Macskajàctèk-CATS' PLAY (Hungary)
Il settimo flagello-THE DELUGE (Poland)
Cognome e nome: Lacombe Lucien-LACOMBE, LUCIEN (France)
La tregua-THE TRUCE (Argentina)
Miglior scenografia e arredamento
Dean Tavoularis - Art Direction, Angelo Graham - Art Direction, George R. Nelson - Set Decoration
Richard Sylbert - Art Direction, W. Stewart Campbell - Art Direction, Ruby Levitt - Set Decoration - CHINATOWN
Alexander Golitzen - Art Direction, Preston Ames - Art Direction, Frank McKelvy - Set Decoration - Terremoto-EARTHQUAKE
Peter Ellenshaw - Art Direction, John B. Mansbridge - Art Direction, Walter Tyler - Art Direction, Al Roelofs - Art Direction, Hal Gausman - Set Decoration - L’isola sul tetto del mondo-THE ISLAND AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD
William Creber - Art Direction, Ward Preston - Art Direction, Raphael Bretton - Set Decoration - Inferno di cristallo-THE TOWERING INFERNO
Miglior fotografia
Fred J. Koenekamp, Joseph Biroc
Inferno di cristallo-THE TOWERING INFERNO
John A. Alonzo - CHINATOWN
Philip Lathrop - Terremoto-EARTHQUAKE
Bruce Surtees - LENNY
Geoffrey Unsworth - Assassinio sull’Oriente Express-MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS
Miglior costumi
Theoni V. Aldredge
Il grande Gatsby-THE GREAT GATSBY
Anthea Sylbert - CHINATOWN
John Furness - DAISY MILLER
Theadora Van Runkle - Il padrino-Parte II-THE GODFATHER PART II
Tony Walton - Assassinio sull’Oriente Express-MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS
Miglior Documentary Feature
Peter Davis – Producer, Bert Schneider – Producer HEARTS AND MINDS
Judy Collins – Producer, Jill Godmilow – Producer - ANTONIA: A PORTRAIT OF THE WOMAN
Jacquot Ehrlich – Producer, David Bergman – Producer, Haim Gouri – Producer - THE 81ST BLOW
Natalie R. Jones – Producer, Eugene S. Jones – Producer - THE WILD AND THE BRAVE
Miglior Documentary Short Subject (formerly Short Story)
Robin Lehman – Producer DON'T
Francis Thompson – Producer - CITY OUT OF WILDERNESS
Jon Boorstin – Producer - EXPLORATORIUM
Dewitt Jones – Producer, Lesley Foster – Producer - JOHN MUIR'S HIGH SIERRA
Ronald S. Kass – Producer, Mervyn Lloyd – Producer - NAKED YOGA
Miglior montaggio
Harold F. Kress, Carl Kress
Inferno di cristallo-THE TOWERING INFERNO
John C. Howard, Danford Greene - Mezzogiorno e mezzo di fuoco-BLAZING SADDLES
Dorothy Spencer - Terremoto-EARTHQUAKE
Michael Luciano - Quella sporca ultima meta-THE LONGEST YARD
Miglior colonna sonora originale
Nino Rota, Carmine Coppola
Jerry Goldsmith - CHINATOWN
Richard Rodney Bennett - Assassinio sull’Oriente Express-MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS
Alex North - SHANKS
John Williams - Inferno di cristallo-THE TOWERING INFERNO
Miglior colonna sonora non originale, adattata
Nelson Riddle
Il grande Gatsby-THE GREAT GATSBY
Alan Jay Lerner - Song Score, Frederick Loewe - Song Score, Angela Morley, Douglas Gamley - THE LITTLE PRINCE
Paul Williams - Song Score, George Aliceson Tipton - Il fantasma del palcoscenico-PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE
Miglior canzone
Al Kasha - Music & Lyrics, Joel Hirschhorn - Music & Lyrics
Inferno di cristallo-THE TOWERING INFERNO "We May Never Love Like This Again"
Euel Box – Music, Betty Box – Lyrics - Beniamino-BENJI "Benji's Theme (I Feel Love)"
John Morris – Music, Mel Brooks – Lyrics - Mezzogiorno e mezzo di fuoco-BLAZING SADDLES "Blazing Saddles"
Frederick Loewe – Music, Alan Jay Lerner – Lyrics - THE LITTLE PRINCE "Little Prince"
Elmer Bernstein – Music, Don Black – Lyrics - Il segno del potere-GOLD "Wherever Love Takes Me"
Miglior Animated Short (formerly Short Subjects - Animated Films)
Will Vinton – Producer, Bob Gardiner – Producer
THE FAMILY THAT DWELT APART- Yvon Mallette – Producer, Robert Verrall – Producer
HUNGER - Peter Foldes – Producer, Rene Jodoin – Producer
VOYAGE TO NEXT - John Hubley – Producer, Faith Hubley – Producer
WINNIE THE POOH AND TIGGER TOO - Wolfgang Reitherman – Producer
Miglior Short Subjects - Live Action Subjects (formerly Short Subjects - Live Action Films)
Paul Claudon – Producer, Edmond Sechan – Producer
CLIMB - Dewitt Jones – Producer
THE CONCERT - Julian Chagrin – Producer, Claude Chagrin – Producer
PLANET OCEAN - George V. Casey – Producer
THE VIOLIN - Andrew Welsh – Producer, George Pastic – Producer
Miglior suono
Ronald Pierce, Melvin Metcalfe, Sr.
Bud Grenzbach, Lawrence Jost - CHINATOWN
Walter Murch, Arthur Rochester - La conversazione-THE CONVERSATION
Theodore Soderberg, Herman Lewis - Inferno di cristallo-THE TOWERING INFERNO
Richard Portman, Gene Cantamessa - Frankenstein Junior-YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN
Miglior effetti speciali sonori
(This award discontinued 1968-1981.)
Miglior effetti speciali visivi (No award given for 1974. See Special Achievement Awards 1974.)
Special Achievement
Frank Brendel - Visual Effects, Glen Robinson - Visual Effects, Albert Whitlock - Visual Effects Terremoto-EARTHQUAKE
Class I (Statuette)
(No award given for 1974.)
Class II (Plaque)
Joseph D. Kelly (Glen Glenn Sound)
For the design of new audio control consoles which have advanced the state of the art of sound recording and rerecording for motion picture production.
Burbank Studios Sound Department
For the design of new audio control consoles engineered and constructed by the Quad-Eight Sound Corporation.
Samuel Goldwyn Studios Sound Department
For the design of a new audio control console engineered and constructed by the Quad-Eight Sound Corporation.
Quad-Eight Sound Corporation
For the engineering and construction of new audio control consoles designed by the Burbank Studios Sound Department and by the Samuel Goldwyn Studios Sound Department.
Waldon O. Watson, Richard J. Stumpf, Robert J. Leonard, Universal City Studio Sound Department
For the development and engineering of the Sensurround System for motion picture presentation.
Class III (Citation)
Elemack Company of Rome, Italy
For the design and development of their Spyder camera dolly.
Louis Ami (Universal City Studios)
For the design and construction of a reciprocating camera platform used when photographing special visual effects for motion pictures.
Honorary and other awards
Howard Hawks
A master American filmmaker whose creative efforts hold a distinguished place in world cinema. Winner presented a Statuette.
Jean Renoir
A genius who, with grace, responsibility and enviable devotion through silent film, sound film, feature, documentary and television, has won the world's admiration. Winner presented a Statuette.
The Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award
(No award given for 1974.)
The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award
Arthur B. Krim
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